Sir Gwaine

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Arthur's POV

"Time to wake up, Sire!" I heard George's voice as he opened the curtains. I pulled up the covers, hiding from the daylight. It's times like this where I really miss Merlin.

"Sir Merlin and Queen Guinevere need to see you as soon as possible," he says, and leaves the room. Oi? Do I have to get dressed as well now? By myself? Great! I looked at the end of the bed, the breakfast was normal. It's getting boring.

"Arthur! We have to get down to the Tavern!" Merlin says as soon as he sees me. I stare at him, confused.

"What why?"

"There's something you need to see, and it's not good," he says gravely. I nodded and Merlin and I walked to The Tavern. Guinevere stayed at the castle, Merlin and I haven't been alone since he got knighted. I really do miss him.

"Merlin," I say just before we go in, I look around to see if anyone saw, he turned around,

"I miss you," I whispered, he smiled and blushed,

"I miss you too, Sire," I rolled my eyes and we both walked in. Now, normally Gwaine is in a pub fighting, but not today. He was sleeping... In the tavern. Could've been worse.

"Merlin, you thought this was a matter I had to see? He's just sleeping?" I said, doubting myself as we got closer. I then saw a not. I frowned, I looked at Merlin.

"Have you read it?" I ask, he nods and motions me to read it. I sigh and pick up the note:

King Arthur,

We saved Gwaine's life, but on one cost. We will take him, the real him, to the crystal cave, where you and Emrys must save him. If you don't, he will die and be forever in your debt.


I stared at the letter, then looked at Merlin.

"Who's Emrys?" I asked, Merlin sighed,

"Me," he says, it makes me love him even more.

"You were the one Morgana was so afraid off?" I say, impressed, he nodded, laughing.

"Right, let's take this back to Guinevere, see what she says," he nods, and we walk back. I just wish I could be with Merlin all of the time.

"Merlin, what do you say?" Guinevere asks as soon as she reads the note. We both look at him. He sighs,

"I don't know, I think it's the druids, but they're normally peaceful people, they wouldn't do any harm to Arthur," he says, thinking it through. I love the way he says my name. He continues,

"I could ask Gaius, see what he thinks?"

"Good idea," Guinevere said, agreeing. I just nodded, still confused about the whole thing. I watched him leave the room.

"Arthur are you ok? You've been very quiet these past few days," she asks and I turn to her and smile,

"Of course, I'm great! It's just been overwhelming at times, with Gwaine, and almost dying, and you know, the fact that Merlin has magic," I say, listing everything going through my head. She smiles and grabs my hands,

"It'll get easier, I'm always here," she says and hugs me. I hug back, smiling.

"I know, I love you," I say, much to my surprise,

"I love you too Arthur,"

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