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Gwen's POV

5 days, 5 days and they still haven't returned!?

"My lady, would like me to look for them?" Sir Percival asks, noticing my worried expression.

"Oh yes please! Thank you so much!" I say and he nods, leaving me alone once again.

It gave me some time to think. Ever since Merlin brought Arthur back, something seemed different about the pair. I can't place it. When Merlin got knighted, I was extremely proud of him, but I kept noticing him steeling glances towards Arthur. And when the ceremony was over, they both went back to Arthur's chambers, alone.

I really don't know what's going on, but I will definitely, get to the bottom of it.

"My lady," I heard Sir Percival bring me out of my thoughts. I saw Arthur and Merlin, they seemed fine. Thank God for that.

"What happened out there?!" I ask, "I was worried sick," I tell them both. Merlin looked guilty, but Arthur, he just looked bored. I swear there's something different about Arthur. He just doesn't tell me anything.

"On the first morning, we were attacked by bandits, we just managed to escape them, when someone said we had to go with them, I don't know who he was, I think Merlin does though," Arthur says and we all look at him. Merlin sighs,

"It was Cendric's son, Adam," I gasped. Who knew he had a son?! Arthur looked just as shocked as me. He was staring at Merlin, waiting for more information.

"When I was young, in Ealdor, my village was attacked, by Cendric. He had Adam there with him, to set an example I guess, Adam killed my best friend - I still haven't gotten over the look on his face, he looked so in pain, I couldn't do anything. All Adam did was laugh." He sighed, I felt so sorry for Merlin, imagine that to happen. No, I couldn't imagine it. I looked at Arthur, he had sympathy, and a ton of jealousy in his eyes. I blinked, Arthur suddenly looked away, the look gone in an instant. What the actual-

"I'm sorry to hear that Merlin, sounds awful! What did Adam want with the two of you?!" Merlin looked at Arthur and Arthur nodded, letting Merlin carry on with the story.

"There was a mention of a beast. He said and I quote, 'im sure the beast would love a royal blood of a Pendragon,' I knew when he said that, we had to get out, and fast. We both managed to get the key off Adam, distracting Gwaine in the process," wait, hold up, Gwaine? I frowned, Percival looked at Merlin, stunned.

"Gwaine? He was there? I thought the druids destroyed him?!" Merlin sighed,

"So did we, but when we saw him, he winked at us, so either he's under cover, or something else is going on. After that we just ran, until we got to the border, we saw Percival, and you know the rest," Merlin finished, looking at me as he spoke.

"Well thank you, you may both go, you two deserve some rest," I say and they both nod, walking out. I glanced at them, I notice Arthur grabbing Merlin's wrist, before they were gone from my view.

I seriously, need to find out what's going on.

I walk out of the hall and go quietly to Arthur's chambers. I listen at the door, it was slightly open.

"But, Merlin, what do we do?! No one can know I have magic!" Arthur whispers. My eyes widened and I tried not to gasp in shock. My mouth dropped to the floor.

"I don't know, Arthur, we could ask Gaius, see what he says? Have you ever even suspected you've had magic before now?" Merlin asks, wow, Merlin is smarter than he looks. Why does he always act like a fool?

"Erm, no, I mean, maybe, I don't know! This is stressing me out!" I heard Arthur kick a table, before saying "ow,". I laughed. Shoot. I need to get out of here.

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