The Return Of Gwaine... Again

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Arthur's POV
"Who says?!" I say, turning around. I see a strange man, I feel like I have seen him before but I can't place him.

"To hell we aren't," Merlin spoke, furious. I turned to him, he was giving the evils to this dude. Well, if I didn't recognize him, Merlin sure did. The dude laughed,

"Gwaine, take them away," I almost choked on my own spit, looking up, I see Gwaine. He winks at me, or both of us. What the hell does he think he's doing? He chains me up, along with Merlin.

"My lord, I think, you need to know who we've just tied up," Gwaine spoke, I suppressed a scoff, 'my lord', up your ass.

"Who?" He says, confused. I could still tell Merlin was seriously annoyed with this guy. I could literally feel his tension from where I stood.

"The King of Camelot," the dude laughs at this, I'm really beginning to hate him as much as Merlin does.

"Great, I'm sure the beast would love a royal taste of a Pendragon,"

"Over my dead body," Merlin shouts in anger, awe he really does care about me. My heart ached to have Merlin even more. What the hell is wrong with me?!

"That can be arranged," the guy said, grabbing his sword, placing it on Merlin's neck. I had a lump in my throat, I couldn't let anyone hurt my Merlin. I had to do something, but what?!

"Leave him alone!" I shout, thankfully distracting the dude from killing Merlin. I saw Gwaine roll his eyes.

"My lord, with respect, we should get going," Gwaine says, the guy snickered, but did as Gwaine asked.

"Grab them, make sure they don't escape," he says.


We'd been walking for two days now. I missed my bed, I missed food, and I missed the warmth of a fire. I kept trying to think of plans for escaping, but every time I did, something else happened. In front of me, Merlin was getting weaker, I felt really sorry for him, he has to eat. I can hear his stomach gurgle from here. At least I have a good view of Merlin's backside everyday.

This isn't what I had in mind when we set out on this quest to the village, I wanted to spend all of the time with Merlin, not, Merlin and other people. I sighed. We have to get out of here some how. We just have to.

"Arthur," I heard Merlin's voice, but nobody else heard it. I looked around, confused.

"Only you can hear me, Arthur, shh, don't make it obvious," he says, I carry on looking in front of me.

"Good, now, we need a plan,"

"No really, I liked being tied up in chains, walking for days on end without food," I say sarcastically, in my head or something. I still don't know how we're doing this.

"Now's not the time, Sire, I'm going to pretend to faint, or fall over. I'm then going to steal his keys and we are both getting out, got it?" He says. I remember from when we went to Ismere, that's how we escaped Morgana's men. Hopefully we can do it a second time.

"Arthur? You ready?" He asks, getting concerned I didn't reply.

"Ready" I reply, I was ready to get back home.

Merlin collasped in front of me, while the guy and Gwaine stopped in their tracks.

"What's up with you?" He asked, kicking him in the stomach.

"He's hungry, if we just eat," I defend my Merlin before anything else happens. The guy scoffs,

"We'll reach to my kingdom in a day, get up you fool," he says, dragging Merlin off the ground,

"I'll look after him," I say, he just nodded and they carried on. Merlin winked at me, showing the keys. It worked. I smiled. Now we just had to wait for the right moment.


"Merlin, Merlin I think we can stop, I think we lost them when we got to the border of Camelot," we took our opportunity, and ran. I don't know how long, or how far. But we kept running and didn't look back. We made it, safely. Merlin, who looked completely destroyed by running so long, sat down on the grass. Getting his breath back.

"Although, I think we have to move, sorry Merls," I say, but covered up my mouth. Did I just give Merlin... A nickname?! Jheeze there really is something wrong with me. I saw Merlin smirk but he got up anyway. There'd been something I wanted to ask him, actually. We started walked towards my castle.

"Merlin, how did we communicate back there? How come they didn't hear us?" Merlin sighed, and looked at me with a weird expression. It was confusion, and happiness.

"It's a way of communicating, you know, with out people speaking. Normally, it only works between two magical people. It shouldn't work with some one who doesn't have magic, I don't know how, but it worked on you too," he says, I looked at him, shocked. What does that mean?!

"Does that mean... I have magic?" I asked, not exactly daring to say it out loud. Merlin nodded, but before we could discuss it further, Sir Percival rode up to us.

"Merlin, Arthur! It's been almost a week? Everyone has been worried sick! Where were you?" He explains as we get to the gates.

This is going to be a long story. But all I can think of is the fact that I, Arthur Pendragon, have magic.

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