At The Time

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Arthur's POV

I looked at Merlin, in shock. Of course Morgana would make sure he had no magic. It all made sense. I got up and stood next to him,

"That makes so much sense, of course you wouldn't leave me for a mere errand. You basically defeated the Saxons, you deserve to be King just as much as I do," I say and he breathes a sign of relief, and shock. It's true, he should be up on the throne. He looked at me in the eyes,

"No, I don't, Arthur," he says and I rolled my eyes. I leaned in,

"Sir Merlin, King Arthur, you are needed in the great Hall as a matter of urgency," Sir Leon came in, I moved away from Merlin as we both walked with Sir Leon.

When we got there, we saw a young girl, crying. I saw Merlin frown in confusion, but I ignored him for a moment and walked up to her,

"Her family was attacked, Sire," Sir Leon says as I got to the girl. I stood there as he kneeled down to her,

"What's your name?" I asked,

"Sarah, my lord," I glanced over at Merlin and saw him roll his eyes.

"What happened?" I question, bringing my attention back to Sarah. She looked up at me,

"It was strange, like, how they died, it happened, yesterday. It was a normal day, I went to muck out the pigs, by the time I got back I found them dead, out stone cold, I didn't know what to do!"

"Merlin, do you think it was magic?" I asked as we got to my chambers. He sighed as he sat down,

"Yes, I believe it might be," he admitted. I sat next to him, held his hand on the table, he glanced up at me,

"Why don't we go and check it out? Together? With no knights, just us," I ask, and suggest. He blushes,

"But, what if whatever killed them kill you too? I could never forgive myself," he says, staring into my eyes.

"Merlin, nothing will happen, we've got each other, and you have magic, surely, you can protect us," I say, Merlin smiles,

"Of course I can Arthur, I have done for years," he joked, I punched him,

"Ha, ha, ha," I say sarcastically.

"I'll inform Guinevere. You tell Gaius," he nodded and left. I sighed in relieve, I'm just hoping we both make it. I would kill myself if anything happened to Merlin.

Merlin's POV

"The village is a three day ride," I inform Arthur as we rode through the woods. Luckily, people thought we were going alone as it would be an act of war if a number of knights went into Cendrics kingdom. Nobody suspected a thing.

"Well, this should be fun," Arthur jokes, I roll my eyes,

"Yes, of course, Sire, it's fun being away from my bed, away from the warmth and away from my food," I say sarcastically, he laughed,

"You're such a girl, Merlin," he says, and without thinking, I reply,

"Well one of us has to be," he stops and stares at me, before continuing, laughing, shaking his head.

"Only you, Merlin." It was silent for the rest of the ride. We got to a well known safe place in the woods, we started to settle down for the night, making shelter out of old wood. Once we got a fire going, we both sat next to each other on a piece of log, waiting for our dinner to be cooked. Finally, Arthur spoke,

"So, Merlin, how have you been?" He asks, nudging me. We haven't been alone in forever, it's been a busy couple of days.

"Fine, you?" I say simply and he gives me a look.

"What's wrong?!" He says, putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Nothing," I tried to cover it up, but truth is. I'm worried about us, about the future about-

"Merlin, look at me," Arthur says and I look into his eyes, we got closer, and he speaks, quietly,

"Everything is going to be fine," he says, and he leans in. Our kisses are always passionate, but this time it seemed different. A good different. I kiss him back as he held on to my neck bringing me closer to him. We continue for a few minutes before we both take a break, when we stop we both pant, getting our breathes back. We couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't help but think, we were meant to be.

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