The Royal Prat Has Magic

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Arthur's POV
"We have to get to Gaius," I say, Merlin nods in understanding and we both go to the court physician. Gaius was working on a potion when we entered.

"Sorry to interrupt, Gaius," I say, Merlin closes the door behind him, Gaius jumped at the sound of us entering. He looked at us, relieved.

"Merlin! Arthur! What happened?! Everyone's been so worried!" He exclaimed, Merlin explained the story we just told to my wife. Gaius nods, thinking deeply. I can't take it any longer. I have to tell someone.

"Gaius," he looks up, worried.

"What is it, Arthur, something wrong?!" He asks, concern in his voice. I took a deep breath,

"Merlin and I, think I have magic,"

He looked at me, confused,

"How-" he started to speak.

"When we planned our escape, Merlin was talking to me through my head, or something, only I could hear him, apparently, only people with magic can do that," I explained, Gaius gasped, he smiled, and then his face darkened, I knew he was going to tell me something that I wouldn't like to hear.

"Arthur, I know this might be a pain to hear, and you may already know, that you were born of magic, and, Morgana, your sister, and Morgause, both were powerful witches of the old religion. It was only a matter of time, before we discovered that you had magic too," 

Merlin's POV

I looked at Arthur with a worried expression, he looked so, sad. I don't know how to explain it. He nodded to Gaius, and the literally ran out of the room. Gaius sighed and turned to me,

"Calm him down? He has had a lot to take in and he can't do it all by himself," I nodded and followed after Arthur. I knocked on Arthur's bedroom door,

"Go away," he shouted, I sighed and opened the door anyway. Arthur's room was a mess, how did that happen in a space of two minutes? Glass was on the floor, goblets were every where, and I'm going to have to clear all of it up. Arthur was lying on his bed looking up towards the ceiling.

"You know I'm going to have to tidy all this up?" I said, walking over to him. He sighed and sat up.

"Merlin, you told me my father didn't use magic to make me, and that my Mother didn't die in the hands of Uther, was that a lie?" He asks, concern in his voice. I sit up on the bed next to him,

"Yes, I knew you wouldn't be able to bare the guilt knowing that you killed your own Father, i didn't want the pain of seeing you upset every day, you probably would have killed your self too, I am truly sorry I didn't tell you sooner," I explained. He listened, without taking eyes of me, not even once.

"I understand, Merlin, thank you, I'm forever great full." He says, smiling. Phew. He ain't gonna kill me yet.

"If I was born with magic, does that make me a warlock, like you?" He asks, I think about it. Kilgharrah always said Arthur and I were like two sides of a coin. Maybe this is what he meant.

"Maybe, but I'm still better than you," I joked, he punched me in the arm lightly,

"Oh, just you wait," he laughed, I punched him back from earlier, he gave me a daring look. I instantly regret punching him. Who knows what he'll do?

"Merlin, you're so going to regret that," he says and he starts to tickle me. I finally loose it and start laughing, rolling around on the bed,

"Arthur, no, please stop," I said in between laughter. He got on top of me, I bit my lip, what is he doing?!

"Make me!" He challenges, he rubs his hands around my chest, I feel myself getting eroused by his touch, he started to kiss me on the neck, pecking till he got close to my jaw line as I try not to moan. He finally got to my lips,

"You're enjoying this far too much, Merls," he whispers, I just love his nickname for me. I love the way he says it on his tongue. It just flows -

All my thoughts stop when Arthur kisses me, we slowly kiss in time with each other, fighting for dominence, I failed, letting him take control.


I went back to my room, slowly and quietly, without wanting to wake Gaius. Arthur had to hide me from Gwen, when she knocked I hid under the bed, it was a narrow escape. I heard Gaius snoring loudly, smiling to myself, I get to my bed without making a sound.

"Merlin! Wake up, you'll be late!" I groaned at the shouting. It felt like I got hardly any sleep. I then remember why and I immediately get out of bed, got changed and grabbed my breakfast,

"Thanks Gaius, this is lovely," I say and practically skip out of the room.

"Rise and shine, dollophead!" I say in a song song voice, Arthur groans,

"Merlin!" He complains, throwing a pillow at me, well he tries to, I dodged it easily.

"You're going to have to try better than that! Come on Sire, you need to get - up!" I say, taking the duvet and Arthur himself off the bed and onto the floor. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouts again, annoyed.

"That wasn't me," I replied, the door opened, it was Percival. He looked at Arthur, and then me, and started to laugh.

"Percival, it's not funny, he wouldn't get out of bed!" I complained. He stopped laughing and rolled his eyes.

"Arthur, Gwaine is back, you need to get to the hall as soon as possible. And Merlin, you're a knight, it's not your job to get him out of bed anymore," he adds, I frowned. Oh shoot.

"My bad," I say, I saluted Arthur and Percival and ran, hearing Arthur shout,


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