Knight Of Camelot

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Merlin's POV

"Merlin! Getting a knighthood at last?" I heard a familiar voice, I turned around and saw Gaius, I rolled my eyes,

"Gaius, you know I don't want recognition!" Gaius laughs at his stubbornness,

"You may not want it, but you do deserve it," he says and we hug.

"Oh, and well done, it can't have been easy saving his life" I smiled,

"It wasn't, and he knows, Gaius, he knows I have magic! My head isn't chopped off!" I joked at the end.

"I can't believe you thought he ever would!" He smiles, I shook my head in disbelief.

The doors opened, and I saw King Arthur and Queen Guinevere at the very end of the room. I walked up slowly through the isle, trying not to trip over in the cloak. I eventually got to King Arthur, seeing him, my heart skipped a beat.

He stood up, and I kneeled, looking forward,

"Arise, Sir Merlin, Knight of Camelot,"

"You wanted to see me, Arthur?" I said as I walked in to his chambers, it felt weird, being here not as a servant but as a knight.

"Yes, I wanted to thank you again, for saving my life, and many others. You deserve that knighthood, more than any of the knights in Camelot," he says and I smile, walking closer to the table, where he was sitting.

"You're welcome, I would save your life a hundred times more," I say, he grins,

"I know you would," he smirks, he looked so good just sitting there. I wanted to kiss him there and then. But we can never be.

"It's going to be weird, not having you as a servant after all these years," he says, getting up and standing next to me. We haven't been this close since the days we kissed. I miss them.

"I know, you'll have to have George now," I joked, he rolled his eyes.

"Don't remind me," he chuckled, we stared at each other for a few seconds, before he leaned in and we kissed. Finally, for the first time in days, it felt natural to kiss him, it felt right. We broke apart incase someone came in. He put his finger to his lips, and mouthed, 'shh', to me. I nodded, blushing.

"Thanks again, Merlin, I'm very great full," he smiles and winks at me. I rolled my eyes,

"Your welcome,"

"You may go," he says and I nod, disappointed. We hardly spend anytime together, I miss it.


"How does it feel to be one of us," Sir Percival said as we walked to the round table, I laughed,

"It's so strange!" I say honestly, he patted me on the back,

"You'll get used to it," he smiled and we got to the room. We saw the King, the Queen and... Gwaine?! I looked at Percival, I know how much Gwaine meant to him, he was there when he died, how is he here in the room?! Percival stared at him, in shock.

"Gwaine? What are you doing here?" He says as we got to where they were standing. He grinned,

"Well, don't say you didn't miss me," he smirked and he looked at me,

"Loving the uniform, Merlin," he chuckled and I tried to smile. I looked at Arthur with a, 'what-the-hell-is-going-on' face, while Arthur just shrugged.

"Gwaine, you were dead?" Sir Percival states, Gwaine sighs,

"Yup, it's not that great a feeling, you know how it is, the feeling of death and that," we all stared at him. Only you, Gwaine.

"What happened?" I asked, I felt Arthur's gaze at me and it felt good. He's care is the only thing I care about.

"Druids," he said simply and we all nodded. He didn't need to say much more.

"Well, I'm glad you're back," I say, patting him on the shoulder. He nodded, and walked off, with Percival going after him. I stayed in the room, looking between Guinevere and Arthur.

"Merlin, how are you doing?" Guinevere asks, starting a conversation, I grin,

"I've been fantastic thank you, and yourself? My lady?" She smiles,

"Perfect, just perfect! Oh, and Merlin, I just wanted to say, I know," I looked at Arthur, she knows what? That we kissed?! How? He looked at his wife as well, wondering what she meant.

"Know what?" I say finally.

"That you have magic," I sigh in relieve as she still doesn't know my biggest secret. I then realized what she said.

"How did you find out?!" I asked, shocked.

"Don't worry, you won't get hanged," I felt Arthur relax, letting out a breath. I tried not to smile, so he does worry about me. That's good to see.

"Well that's good to hear," she nodded,

"It was at the battle, that sorcerer, the old man, that was you wasn't it," I nodded,

"What!?" Arthur shouted, ah, I forgot to tell him that bit. Oops.

"I knew it was you," she said, ignoring her husband's outburst. I tried not to laugh. "I knew from your eyes, and I think, Arthur, you knew too," she says looking at him as he was pacing around the room. He stopped at stared at her. Finally, he said,

"Yes, I knew it was him. I knew it when he saved your life Guinevere," she looked suprised,

"Which time?" She joked, but she was serious at the same time. He looked at me in the eyes while saying,

"When Morgana stood us up, when my Father sentenced you to death for believing you enchanted me with deep magic," she gasps,

"Merlin! You should've been knighted a long time ago!" She exclaims, hugging me in the process.

"No, really, I didn't want to be, my lady," I say, honestly.

"Nonsense! Now, we need to discuss something, what do we think of Gwaine? Is he really back?" She asks me, I think carefully.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," I say looking at the two, smiling. This is going to be interesting.

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