The Good, The Bad, The Magic

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Not sure what that title is, but I'm sure I can pull it off 🤔 how are you enjoying the story so far? 🤗

Merlin's POV

I can already tell, that it's not going to be a good day today. The stupid prat. I get to his chambers in record time, I'm slowly getting used to the knights uniform. Arthur has literally been the worst since Gwen's death. I didn't realise he cared for her that much. I felt a sting of jealousy every time I saw him crying over her. Besides, we can never be anything. Gaius made that pretty clear.

"Merlin, there you are! What have you been doing all morning? Huh? Daydreaming as usual?" Arthur asks, I could tell he was in a mood as I rolled my eyes.

"No, Arthur, I've been doing knighty stuff! In case you had forgotten, I'm not your servant anymore," I reminded him. Its not like I can't talk, I remember last month I had forgotten that as well. Never mind.

He sighs and sits down in his chair. He looks like he's been so stressed lately. And he actually cried at Gwen's funeral.

"What do you need, Sire?"

"Ealdor is in trouble," I looked at him, my mouth dropped to the floor. What the hell could someone want with my home village?! Mother... If any harm comes to her...

"What happened! Tell me!" I say, hitting the table, not in the mood for normal chit-chat. Arthur stares at me, not quite believing what I just did. He stands up.

"Merlin, I am the King of Camelot, you show some respect to me, now," Arthur needed to show some authority. I roll my eyes. Not to him I don't.

"Pardon me, what happened, tell me, my lord," I saw, trying not to sound so sarcastic. Arthur sighs and sits back down.

"There was a big fire, some eye witness accounts say it was started on purpose, there are hardly any survivors,"

"My, mother..." My voice cracked, all anger gone as I looked into Arthur's eyes. I could see sadness in them as I crashed to the floor, I knew it was bad news, I tried not to cry in front of Arthur, but it was all getting too much.

"Merlin, no one has seen her since the fire, they haven't found her yet," he says softly, I felt his presence as he sat down on the floor next to me. I rested my head on the palm of my hand against my knee. I turned my head sideways to look at him. He looked guilty.

"How long have you known about this?" I asked him, I was ready to get annoyed at him even more if he's hid this information for longer than a day.

"Two days," Arthur says looking to the ground. I get up, fed up with him.

"You know what, Arthur? I wish I never saved your life," I shouted and I ran out of the door without looking back.

Arthur's POV
I was shocked, and hurt about his sudden outburst. I wish I never saved your life. It kept on replying inside my head. I had to go after him. I still love him.

I ran to Gaius and Merlin's chambers. I knocked on the door,

"Come in?" Gaius said and I entered, still out of breath from running. I really need to start to go hunting more often. Im starting to get really unfit. Gaius frowns at me,

"Where's Merlin?" I asked, he raised his eyebrows, wondering why the King suddenly cared of Merlin's whereabouts.

"He's in his room, Sire," he says, and I nod, walking up. I knocked on his door. I didn't get an answer. I opened it slightly. Merlin wasn't there. What?!

"Gaius! He isn't here!" I shouted getting worried. I heard Gaius drop something, curious, i looked behind me, I saw Merlin's foot slide under the table. I walked to the table angrily.

"I could hang you for lying to the King," I say, Gaius shrugged, pretending to not know where Merlin was.

"Merlin, get out of there," I heard a bang, frowning, I looked under the table. He wasn't there. What the-


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