Part Two ~ Chapter Six

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Sprinkling pink glitter onto a sign for the dance, I slowly lifted my head up to send another death glare across the table at Charlotte. The annoying girl said she wouldn't make any posters unless I made at least three. That's three too many in my opinion.

Charlotte smirked at me, and I clenched the container of glitter a little too tightly. The plastic cracked and pink exploded all over the table. Shit!

"What the hell? Come on Matt! That's the glitter for the posters!" Charlotte had jumped up and was pointing her finger at me accusingly. "I need that glitter! Jeez, take your anger out on something like a punching bag next time." She went on and on, grumbling about everything under the sun.

"Chill Charlotte. It isn't like you have to go around with pink glitter all over you for the rest of the day. That would be me." I tried to brush the glitter off of my pants but only ended up turning my hands pink. This was just great. The guys on the team would have a field day if they saw this.

"Maybe you should have thought of that before crushing that container. You get to clean this. It is so not my problem."

"Does glitter wash out in the rain?" I wondered, mumbling slightly under my breath. I stared hopefully out the window, watching the numerous raindrops pound continuously against the quickly forming puddles. Survival class would be great fun in the mud. I'm sure Mr. Ehway will decide to not show up or something, leaving us to fend for ourselves in the thick brown mess that would have already formed where we have class. Maybe they would decide to hold classes inside a building.

"Get over yourself Matt. I am leaving. The weather outside isn't pretty, and I'm not going to hang out in the lounge waiting for it to get worse. Have fun, and make sure you get all these sparkles off of the table. Mrs. Glady can be a bitch when it comes to clean-up," Charlotte said, referring to the lounge monitor. It was true, that lady could spot a speck of dirt from a mile away.

"Bye Charlotte," I tried to say, but she was already out the door. She seemed like she always had a better place to be, or at least wished she did.

I looked down at my clothes, trying to convince myself that pink could be a very manly color, but I failed. When Alex showed up to practice with stickers covering his helmet, courtesy of his younger sister, he didn't hear the end of it for a long time. Some of the guys still bring it up at times, suggesting he use it to distract the other players. It's an ongoing joke now if you mention Hannah Montana, because she was the main subject of many of the stickers.

Staring at the layer of sparkles on the table, I contemplated how to go about cleaning it. I pulled out a plastic bag that held some markers and dusted the mess into it. Deciding it was good enough, I tossed the bag in the trash.

"Hey! Mr. Elias! Halt!" I stiffened at the sound of Mrs. Glady's voice. Why did she have to be such a neat freak. This is what I have to put up with for dating Charlotte. I could picture us breaking up in the future, we're both only in it for a physical attraction, otherwise I can't stand more than a minute of her.

"Yes ma'am?" I flashed an innocent smile at her as a loud clap of thunder rang out through the air. I thought of Ethan and hoped he was safe in his cabin.

"Cut that out. I am not going to be falling for your charm like all those other girls." Mrs. Glady was old, and I didn't really expect her to be one that would swoon over my good looks, but one could hope.

"I don't see what you mean Mrs. Glady. Attractiveness never hurt anyone, just look at you." I motioned towards her sweater and bright orange pants combination  that would cause Charlotte to faint on the spot, had she been here. Mrs. Glady barely blinked though, her mind was still focused on the mess.

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