Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Why would I go back there?

I had no reason to go back there. First of all, he was a scum of the earth whore, who fell asleep on the job and was constantly belittled by his employer. Second of all, he was such a smartass. Telling me I had to come back and pay another thousand just so I can sit there and listen to him talk? Who the hell did he think he was, telling me what to do?

I'm Hades, Lord of the Underworld, God of Artificial Creation.

He could kiss my Greek ass because there was no way I was going back there just to listen to his stupid pity-me story.

"Hades, you're doing that thing where you're mentally stabbing people." Persephone's voice broke through my thoughts and I snapped back to reality to see Persephone's concerned stare through the webcam. We were video-chatting again, something she actually insisted upon, probably to make sure I wasn't destroying what was also considered hers. But I didn't care what excuse she needed. Warm comfort spread through me at seeing her sitting on the other side, tilting her head adorably. Her strawberry blonde hair was damp from her morning shower, her bangs curling toward her cheeks under a pair of crystal eyes. She was wearing a pale pink low cut peasant blouse and blue jeans, sitting in the quaint cottage her mother had bought in the country side of the UK.

Behind her was her bedroom, a white dresser decorated in flowers with a vase of flowers and English Ivy creeping across the walls, around paintings of landscapes and pictures of Persephone with her mother, Demeter, also my sister. Persephone was the epitome of feminine, but she was no pushover and I had learned that the hard way.

"I'm annoyed." I told her flatly, raking a hand through my hair to push it back from my face so I could lean over the laptop with a frown. Persephone smiled reassuringly.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. Tell me what you've been up to. Have you managed to get a handle on the Titan situation?" She added, a flicker of fear showing in her eyes. Anger built up inside me at the thought of the Titans scaring Persephone. They were nothing. They shouldn't scare her. They would never hurt her. I'd sooner slit my own throat than let them so much as think of her. For once, I was grateful she was with her mother. She was safer in the mortal realm than here where the Titans writhed in their prisons. Granted, there'd been no word of how they were doing, but I took that as a good thing. Zelios would only come to me if things were truly dire.

"The situation is handled," I said briefly, watching Persephone raise an eyebrow as if to ask if I was sure and I rolled my eyes, "Positive. Nothing's happening here. I'm bored. How are you?" Persephone smiled warmly, a smile that cut me to the quick as I swallowed hard at the way the light hit her full pink lips, making her lip gloss glitter brightly. She pulled her hair over her shoulder so she could run her fingers through it.

"I'm good, Hades. My mom is thinking about taking me to Stone Henge. I'm excited. I love seeing all the faes that gather there. They're so beautiful when they dance. Even the humans are amusing. Oh, and I was thinking I might want to adopt a kitten. I know, I know. You don't like cats. Or dogs. Or anything you have to get out of bed for, but really, sweetie, they're so adorable and there's a shelter in town that's looking for homes for their newest litter. I can't just leave them there. What do you think?" She asked, blinking sweetly at me. I grimaced at the very thought of having a kitten in the house.

Firstly, kittens pissed and shat anywhere they pleased. Secondly, kittens were just so... fluffy and tiny. I'd forget it's there and probably sit on it or step on it. Kittens were so small that they fit in the palm of my hand. What if it got lost? If I hurt that thing, Persephone would never forgive me and blame me for hurting him, even though she knows I don't pay attention to tiny things.

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