Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

"Shit, shit, shit."

It wasn't supposed to be this hard. Well, it was supposed to be hard, but not this hard.

The battlefield was soaked with blood. I could hear it beneath my boots, turning the dirt into mud. Flames had erupted all over the field, making the space much tighter and more difficult to fight in. The Titan followers had increased significantly in size. It wasn't just other Titans defending them, but even a couple of gods from other pantheons and thousands upon thousands of lesser creatures with eons of fighting experience.

Yeah, it was war like I'd never seen it before.

I stood back, clenching my fist, taking a deep breath before swiping my palm through the blood on the ground. I threw my hand up toward the sky, sent a bolt of power through my fingers and the blood rose into the air before hardening into a sword as red as the blood it was made of. I frowned, studying the sleek blade before I sensed someone rushing at my back. I cursed and whirled around, slashing the sword through an enemy soldier's throat, watching the blood spurt into the air and rain back down as the corpse sank to its knees.

"You should teach me that some time." I turned as Ambrosius approached me, breathing hard, blood running from a wound in his temple, but looking otherwise safe. I grimaced anyway.

"Let's hope you won't have to use it." I told him. Ambrosius gave me a curious stare before his eyes widened at something behind me. I spun around fast and jammed the sword right up into a soldier's chest, spearing his heart so the tip of the blade poked out near his throat. I tore the sword out and beheaded him before turning to Ambrosius, who arched a brow at the sword as blood rolled off the sleek blade.

"Stay at attention, Ambrosius." I told him sternly, making him nod. A soldier charged him from the side, but he ducked down and backed up, sweeping the soldier's legs out from under him before he leapt on the guy's back, ripping his head right off before leaping off, landing beside me.

"Damn," Ambrosius muttered, wiping blood off his face, looking around, "It's like we're barely putting a dent in their army. Where the hell are Cronus and Zeus? You'd think we'd see them. Aren't god fights supposed to be huge and violent?"

"You've seen way too many movies," I muttered, "Gods fight like anyone else. Violent, bloody, bashing open skulls and breaking noses. Zeus probably took Cronus somewhere more secured, and my guess is somewhere in the mountains. I need to get over there, but it's impossible with all these assholes in the way." Ambrosius frowned thoughtfully at that.

"I have a way through." Abel offered, appearing at my other side. I frowned, turning to him to see his goggles on his head, mask long gone, blood splattered across the front of his uniform and blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"You?" I asked. Abel looked at me sheepishly, despite the blood running down either side of his nose.

"Remember all those times we broke into your palace?"

"And you destroyed all my evil plots to take over the universe that were actually just plots for people to leave me the fuck alone?"

"You know, that would've been easier to actually spell out than to sugar coat with typical villain plots."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for inconveniencing you--"

"Dad." Ambrosius cut me off. I stared at him for a moment, still unaccustomed to a title I most certainly did not deserve. He stared back at me, as if he, too, wasn't sure I quite deserved it. Abel looked a bit perplexed by Ambrosius before cursing and we all whipped around at once, thrusting swords forward an impaling a soldier three different ways before he fell off the end of our swords and fell to the ground. Ambrosius curled his lip at the enemy and stomped down on his throat before ducking a swing from behind. Abel caught that second soldier around the throat, tore him off his feet and swung him over his back onto the ground where I jammed my sword through his mouth, then tore it back out, looking up.

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