Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

"So, let me get this straight... Theo actually set your entire bedroom on fire because you voted to kill some human that Malachi is dating?" Nikias asked, arching a brow as he leaned his elbows on the desk as I scribbled down some notes. I nodded, picking up a mug of hot coffee and taking a huge gulp of it as I scanned the papers spread out across the desk.

"Theo hates being told no. Remember that next time you have something he wants." I replied. Nikias grimaced, then reached up to ruffle his hair, glancing past me over at Demetrius, who'd fallen asleep beside the door. I frowned, following his gaze before rolling my eyes and looking away without saying a word. Because I already knew how this whole thing worked. I would say no, Nikias would say yes, they'd get together and then I wouldn't have Nikias anymore either. Damn, this whole falling in love thing worked so fast for everyone...


Why expose themselves like that? I never understood it, and honestly, I never would.

And I hated thinking about it because my thoughts instantly reverted back to Lucifer. My body tingled everywhere he'd touched me. I'd be a fool to say he wasn't good in bed, because he certainly was. For a man who'd never slept with another man before, Lucifer sure knew his way around a man's body. Even when I'd been drunk, I couldn't even sink into the usual warm haze. I was too intoxicated by the way Lucifer's hands felt on my body.

But that wasn't love. That was lust. Hot, beautiful lust. Lust never hurt anyone. Well, not me anyway.

It was love that ripped and tore and shredded. It was what led to my stupidity of falling for Persephone, Eumelia, Atros. I wasn't going to let it pull me headfirst into another mess that left me feeling like shit. I was still reeling from Atros's rejection.

The guy committed suicide when he found out he'd been sleeping with me.

Nothing was a worse bitchslap to the face than knowing someone would rather kill themselves than make an attempt at a relationship.

Then again, I couldn't blame Atros. It'd been my fault his wife and unborn child were killed. Not entirely, but I still played a part. So I deserved Atros's rejection.

It still didn't stop me from loathing love.

And now Nikias was falling for it. What the hell made me think he'd be smarter than his brothers? What made me think he'd be different? Maybe because his damned words had given me a sliver of hope that was instantly smashed the moment Nikias looked at Demetrius with interest. I was only "dad" until he found something to absorb his attention fully. I was unnecessary now.

"Why don't you go eat lunch?" I asked Nikias at last, making him blink and look at me.

"No, I'm good," He replied, "I want to stay here with you." I clenched my teeth. Yeah, sure you do. Just like I enjoy the company of Julius's men. I cleared my throat and looked away, putting my arm up between us, resting my cheek against it as I made a few notes on the papers. I felt Nikias's eyes on me, and worse, his confusion at my reaction. Part of me wanted to drop my arm from between us, an obvious sign of leave me the fuck alone, but I didn't dare. He'd continue to weasel himself through my defenses and then tear me down from the inside out. I wasn't going to fall for it again. I wasn't that stupid.

I sat in silence, scribbling down work, throwing it away when it didn't work. Nikias sat beside me for a while, then got up to wander around the room, to look out off the balcony. Demetrius eventually woke up and only stared straight ahead. Nikias tried to start a conversation with him numerous times, but Demetrius flat out rejected each attempt.

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