Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty


Not gonna happen. Lucifer could do that pathetic puppy eye look all he wanted, but there was no way I was going back there until I was positive he would stop chasing after me. I was in no way interested in having a relationship with him. He just happened to be the best one I'd had, even better than Atros. I wasn't even sure why it was better since it was mostly the same thing over and over again, but it just was and that made it even worse.

I'd played around too long with Lucifer. I didn't have time to let him drag me into a personal mess. I was already scatter-brained about what happened with Atros. The last thing I needed was a romantic distraction.

Instead, I went sight-seeing.

Duat was honestly rather beautiful. The suns lit up every corner of the realm, making things shine and sparkle. Groups of women laughed as they carried shopping bags or baskets of laundry, men joking and drinking, couples holding hands as they nuzzled close, children laughing and racing each other up and down the streets. Music filled the air with an exotic feel, a few people were dancing and singing along near a family restaurant. I found myself wandering into a small restaurant just across the street from the music that was serving small portions, which was really all my stomach could ever handle.

I ordered a small bowl of lentil soup and something called dukkah. I sat at a small table just outside the restaurant, glancing across the street to enjoy the dancers and the children who'd run to join them. For some reason, the city reminded me of a larger version of Styx, only cleaner and with less rude people. And despite all of Styx's foul qualities, I found myself homesick.

I dragged a piece of bread through olive oil before bathing it in the hazelnut mixture before taking a bite, sighing aloud in frustration.

"Your negativity is poisoning the air, love." I blinked and turned to see Nemesis making her way over to me. She wore a pair of black harem pants and a cropped black vest with a popped collar, showing off her tattooed slender body. Her black hair was up in a usual spiky ponytail, bangs swept across a pair of insidious green eyes. She flashed me a smile before taking a seat across from me, reaching out to steal a piece of bread, sticking it in her mouth without really chewing on it, her eyes watching the dancers. We sat in silence as she nibbled on the bread before I finally spoke.

"I was kind of hoping you'd be the one to save me from the Titans." I said. Nemesis smirked, licking olive oil off her lips before sitting back in her seat throwing an arm over the back of her seat.

"Liar," She sang, then shook her head, "I wasn't allowed entry. Your mother's a real bat."

"That's the nicest thing someone's said about her."

"Darn. Need to work on the whole dissing thing," Nemesis sighed, waving her hand idly in her face before leaning on the table with a smile, "Also. Philotes and Nyx are here. They're on their way over. They're just grabbing some new clothes." I frowned at that.

"Are they staying at Seth's temple?" I asked. Nemesis shook her head.

"I figured it might be safer to have them come stay with me at a hotel in town. Nyx and Seth don't get along, and not to mention, I know you want to keep Nyx away from Charon after she left him behind." She explained. I nodded, grateful for her consideration. I wasn't quite sure how Charon would react to Nyx's presence just yet, so I wasn't going to just spring her on him without checking with him first.

"That sounds all right... Well, but, a hotel?" I asked with a grimace. Nemesis smiled.

"You know I don't do the luxerious home space. I like travel and fancy hotels," She said, then winked, "And our bellhop's rather adorable. What about you? Shacking it up with Seth of all people?" I grimaced, remembering the incident in the hallway. I had no idea what had possessed me to do that to Seth. No doubt he hated me more than he did before. I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up in bed with snakes.

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