Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

"Hades... Hades... Hades!"

I blinked a few times against the throbbing headache exploding in my skull like a series of fireworks. My ears rang and my hearing was muffled. My vision was dark for a while before I realized someone was in the small closet with me with the door partially opened to allow only little light. My whole body was one big pain in the ass. Everything hurt. There was no part of me left untouched by Julius's men, who, by order of my loving mother, were trying to torture me into agreeing to Rhea's terms, not that I gave two shits about it.

I blinked past the pain, the blood crusted around my left eye that had been carved out and magically implanted again, causing my vision to be slightly distorted from the lack of knowledge behind the operation. My broken fingers were tightly tied with sharp wire behind my back, wire that ran the length of my arms now completely covered in deep bloody cuts from the wire's steel grip.

Yeah. Ouch.


"Fuck." I growled in agony at the loud voice. I cleared my vision long enough to see Julius leaning over me, his eyes narrowed. He reached down, grabbing me by a handful of hair and heaving me up off the floor, throwing me back into the chair that I'd sank out of while trying to get some sleep.

"No sleeping," Julius commanded, grabbing me by the jaw and shoving my head back against the wall, causing my vision to black out momentarily, "Unless you want to maybe take the wonderful offer your mother made you. It's been almost a week. You can't handle anymore of this."

"I'm just... gettin' started... bitch." I seethed, blood oozing past my teeth. Julius narrowed his eyes and pulled my face forward toward his. His eyes studied me intensely, searching for some way to break me, but he'd never find it. He'd done almost everything he could think of and I even remember him Googling new ways to force me to speak. He broke my skull open, ripped my fingernails out, cut my tongue off, removed an eye, beat me, burned me, gave me the illusion of drowning, forced me to relive Zeus's attack on myself repeatedly, and went as far as to throwing me to six of his men, who were surprisingly a lot rougher than Zeus had been on me.

"You're running out of ideas," I mocked, blood bubbling up my throat and spilling past my lips, causing Julius to snarl in disgust, jumping out of the way, "Don't it suck, though?" Julius curled his lip and grabbed me by a handful of hair, wrenching my head back. He pressed his mouth in the corner of mine to lick up the blood there, his fangs glinting in the lightbulb swinging over our heads.

"I have plenty of creative ideas. How about I drop your ass on a Judas Cradle? Would you enjoy that, you worthless slut?" He sneered in my face. I laughed hoarsely.

"Oh, baby, when you talk like that, you get me all hot and horny. Do it." I challenged. Julius roared in frustration, dragging me from the chair and throwing me into the floor, bringing his foot down on my back, causing me to choke and cough up more blood. He rolled me over onto my back and pulled the leather muzzle out, strapping it over my mouth and buckling it at the back of my head.

"Julius, come." Rhea called suddenly from outside the closet. Julius hesitated, his fist hovering over my head in preparation to beat me senseless. He gritted his teeth before shoving me roughly and getting to his feet, leaving the closet and slamming it shut behind him. I tilted my head back to stare up at the small space beneath the door that allowed me to peer under at Rhea's feet, a nice pedi to go with that mani, and somewhat modern heels.

"Has he broken yet?" Rhea asked impatiently. A wary sigh followed from Julius.

"Milady, we're doing the best we can, but he just won't speak. Has there been word from his sons yet?"

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