Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

"Great, so now we're not safe in our sleep either?" Theo demanded. His brothers, as well as Lucifer's children, all murmured in agreement.

We'd managed to herd the group of hormonal pieces of crap into the living room where they took up more space than clowns in a mini-car. All of Lucifer's children, and their special someones, then all my sons dragging along their special someones. My god, might as well just call it a Valentine's meeting and get it over with.

Even more revolting was the fact that Thorn and Ambrosius had been sharing a love seat the moment we walked in Ambrosius was sprawled back against Thorn's chest, both of them laying across it. Like, that's not how you use that thing, you idiots. Sit like normal people, not like a couple of love sick idiots. It got even worse when they started holding hands and Ambrosius gave me this smug as shit glance.

Screw you, kid.

"This is dangerous," Zelios said grimly, folding his arms over his chest and leaning on the wall near the entryway, "If we don't sleep, our magic will begin to deplete. Their goal is to drain us slowly. And with lack of sleep comes a whole new set of problems, such as hallucinations and mania." Noe looked horribly uncomfortable by the idea and was rubbing his arm, staring down at Zelios's feet. Zelios noticed and stroked the hair back from his face, giving his hand a comforting squeeze.

Get a room.

"And if the Titans are infiltrating our dreams," Malachi continued where Zelios left off, "That means the oneiroi have been taken over. We can't just stand around here and do nothing while they're being picked off like flies. They need our help." Adrian nodded his agreement. Of course he was going to suck up to his boyfriend. Good on you, half-breed Titan.

"We can't just go barging in there," Charon pointed out, making Malachi frown at him, "It could just be a trap. They might expect us to just run in there and they'll ensnare us, like they did last time." Cerberus shuddered at the memory and Blaine gave him an elbow in the ribs.

"But we can't abandon them either," Abel prompted, "First of all, that's a douche move. And second of all, they protect our dreams. Without them, our dreams are open for infiltration, as we've already seen. We need to do something about the situation." Cain shrugged, folding his arms over his chest.

"I dunno. I can last without sleep." He replied. Abel grimaced.

"You're bitchy enough as it is. I don't want to see you lacking sleep." He told him. Cain scowled and Abel just gave him a cheery smile and patted him on the head for it. Their relationship was always baffling to me. It wasn't the incest, but rather the fact that Abel forgave Cain for killing him a hundred times and the fact that Cain was the most insufferable idiot in the world. Even I just wanted to bash his head through a wall once in a while.

"What can we do if we're all the way over here and there's on the opposite end of the underworld, probably surrounded by Titans?" Theo said dryly, rubbing the back of his neck. Sept frowned.

"If the Titans are attacking us in our dreams, surely we can fight back in our dreams," He pointed out, making everyone glance at him curiously, "We're not experienced in astral projection, I realize that, but the dreams are technically under our control. The Titans must appear to us in our dreams as our greatest fear, to distract us from concentrating on the dream itself. If we can concentrate on the dream itself, we can alter it to suit our needs. We could just easily wish the Titans out of the dream and they would have no choice. That would solve the Titans attacking our dreams anyway."

"I like that idea," Cerberus said innocently, "Short, sweet, to the point and doesn't involve getting captured again." Blaine rolled his eyes.

"Don't be such a baby. You were just trapped in a cage."

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