Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

"Boo hoo! I'm an emotionally damaged wreck and my life is a cesspool of misery and woe! Only the arms of a certain faggot can make me all better again!"

I spat at the camera that was installed in the round meeting room before turning away from it, curling my lip at the destruction of the room that had yet to please me. The large table was completely splintered and burning hot with the fire I'd set upon it. The chairs destroyed and laying in busted pieces, the large projection screen torn in shreds, the mechanical equipment of it all shattered and laying in sparking wires in a heap in the corner. I'd shredded the walls and torn down the paintings, adding it to the fire.

I'd already busted the other cameras in the room, leaving only one so they could hear my incessant bitching. Because that was all they were going to get.

Therapy my ass. This wasn't a therapy session. Lucifer was just pissed that he couldn't get my secrets, so he was going to punish me for it by turning my sons against me as one giant horde of stupidity. He thought he could force me to spew everything by locking me in a room until I went crazy, but unfortunately for him, I was already fucking insane, so this would do nothing, but cause him grief.

I'd stayed up the entire night destroying the room and threatening every single slimy bastard that had agreed to this stupid procedure. Forced therapy was one of Lucifer's stupidest plans. No one forced me to do anything.

Okay, Zeus did, but he had leverage. Lucifer didn't. Because now I didn't give two shits what happened to those backstabbing little bastards.

I'd ask how they could do this to me, but I knew. They hated me this much. They hated me enough to lock me in a room. They'd even hounded Theo into making this idiotic decision, and now when I got out of here, I was going to tear that Egyptian apart in front of him and make him watch as I ripped Sept's heart out of his chest and force fed it to him. I regretted every dragging them out of that hellhole the Titans had thrown them in.

My breathing was labored, I was sweating, I was exhausted, and in pain, but it didn't really matter to them so long as they got what they wanted. But I could put up with this. I'd put up with worse. It was they who would sorely regret this decision.

I paced the room, feeling like a caged animal. I hated being trapped in another realm I didn't want to be in. This was just like the time Rhea had fed me to Cronus. Only, in that realm, I'd had my siblings to help me through it all. At the time, I'd been a vulnerable child. Poseidon had been taking care of me until he deemed me old enough to help Hestia search for food. Worst of all, the realm of Cronus's stomach, was treacherous. We'd barely had enough to survive on. I had assumed we'd live there forever and had struggled to adjust to the unnatural living space. I'd become quiet and accepting.

But I wasn't like that anymore.

Now I was enraged and hungry for blood. Lucifer would be the first one I'd go after. I'd rip his body apart piece by piece, then move onto his self-centered little brats. He was going to regret this.

Oh! He was going to regret this!

I sent another blast of power, but all it did was cause the barrier to tremble before returning to normal. I was seconds away from making another attempt to blast at it when the projection screen behind me flickered on and I snapped my head to glare as an image of the living room upstairs came into view, revealing everyone, including Theo, who was sitting at the back of the room looking guilty as shit, and I hoped it ate him alive and kept him up at night.

"Hades, can you hear us?" Came Lucifer's calm voice. I spat at the screen, trying to find the camera that was getting a view of me, because it wasn't the one that I had spat on earlier.

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