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"So, let me get this straight. You somehow got powerful enough to kill Cronus, steal his powers, and now you're basically a super-powered asshole ruling the Greek underworld? That's anticlimactic, don't you think?"

"I don't think I asked for your professional opinion, you little shit."

"You never do, but as your son, I think it's my job to be an eternal pain in your ass." Ambrosius replied, standing in front of me where I sat on the bench in Persephone's garden beneath the pomegranate tree. Ambrosius was dressed in the heavy black stitch uniform that had become an official part of my army's attire. Only now, designed on the back was a vibrant blue skull and cross bones with a sword running down the center. On the right upper sleeve of the uniform was a white stitched image of a single pronged key to indicate his rank as a first command general. His brothers shared the same uniform.

Ambrosius wore it proudly, his shoulder-length black hair now swept back from his face off to the side of his clean shaven face. It was terrifying how much he looked like me now. Even worse, Malachi, too, had taken to walking around clean shaven, so he looked like me too. Cerberus joked about how I was secretly creating clones.

Tsk, yeah, right.

"It's the same thing that happened to Rhea then," He said after a moment, making me glance at him, "What you did to her was what you did to Cronus. It's why they've completely vanished and why the Titans are more compliant."

"Dunno. It could just be my dashing good looks and charming personality has made them hide in shame." I told him, standing up and reaching up to the tree to pluck a fruit down. Ambrosius rolled his eyes, then eyed me as I split the fruit open, then I looked up and gave him a flat stare.

"Don't you have somewhere to be. Like, I dunno, Thorn's bedroom." I sneered the bastard devil spawn's name like a curse and Ambrosius snorted, folding his arms over his chest.

"Shut up, asshole. He's busy. I came to see how you were doing. Ever since the whole Titan thing last month, you've been awfully quiet. What're you plotting now? World domination? Planning to build a new mini-mall outside of Styx?" He asked, studying me as I sucked the juice out of the fruit. I rolled my eyes at him as I made my way toward the entrance to the garden and Ambrosius followed at my heels.

"No, brat, I'm relaxing. For once, no one's trying to piss me off. Except you. And maybe Blaine. I swear to fucking god, I'd kill him if I had the chance."

"That's my other dad you're talking about. Speaking of which, I figured I should be the one to tell you this, but Blaine's pregnant." Ambrosius said nonchalantly. I stopped for a second, looking at him over my shoulder and he stared back at me, like he was waiting for me to explode and go rip Blaine's unborn child out of the womb I gave him. But oddly enough, I wasn't angry. Just irritated because I knew for a fact that Cerberus was going to come running to me, freaking out like he did when Blaine was pregnant with Ambrosius. Cerberus had no idea how to handle a pregnant male fae that was foul-mouthed and a general pain in the ass. He just used it as an excuse to hide from Blaine's wrath. Who knew my almighty Cerberus would flee with his tail between his legs from a fae who was barely half his size?

"Cool." I deadpanned, turning away and heading into the house through a door on the other side of the garden and entering a dark hallway only lit up by the mock Aurora Borealis lighting overhead. Ambrosius followed me down the hallway toward the throne room where I sensed a foreign power waiting for me. Thankfully, Ambrosius didn't seem to notice as he looked at me curiously.

"You're going to let him have it?"

"No, Ambrosius. I was just going to go get my baby killing outfit. No way I can get blood all over these shoes."

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