Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"Oh, so pretty!"

Of course, Niki would think a high-tech hospital research facility would be pretty. Although, a strange pride swelled up inside me at the sight of the brand new facility that took up three entire blocks. The buildings were sleek with black solar panels that absorbed the light from the artifical sun that hung in the sky above, causing the buildings to glint like a new dagger blade. The first building was the smallest with only five floors made up of offices and the main lobby before a long tubular hallway was poised high above the street to allow people to pass through beneath. The second building was much wider and taller with forty floors and hundreds of hospital rooms with the research facility taking up the space on the top ten floors. More hospital rooms took up the space in the third building beside it, connected by yet another wide tubular hallway so the street below remained open.

It was small compared to others, sure, but it would be bigger in time. It was currently being stocked with new medical supplies and machines that were being wheeled in by the moving crew. I could still smell the asphalt and wood and heat used to build it.

I had decided to bring Niki with me because I felt I would appear strange wandering around alone, and there was no way I would invite Theo or Cerberus, both of whom strongly protested the idea of having a hospital and research facility.

I appeared just in front of the main lobby beneath the balcony that was poised on the third floor to provide a bit of shade. Thankfully, it kept me hidden from citizens who was held back by plastic fencing so as to prevent any nosy intruders. I decided to come here as myself, unfortunately. A few movers eyed me nervously and most passed by as quickly as they could, avoiding me almost completely. Not that it mattered. I didn't give two shits about them.

I wanted to explore my new play place.

Niki scurried along behind me as the large front doors opened automatically, flashing no smoking signs, no teleporting, and no magical usage by patients and visitors, only personnel. Upon entering, I was met with the smell of sterile objects and paper. The main lobby was shaped like an eight, with two large circular rooms that were connected by a wide opening. One end was occupied by rows of plush leather seats for the waiting room, a handful of vending machines being placed in a nook between this room and the lobby that was occupied by three desks that allowed more people to have questions answered or appointments made. A hallway led from the center of the two rooms with double doors.

I made my way through the double doors and passed by offices that were still being stocked with silver L-shaped desks. Part of it against the wall with connected shelves for easy storage, the rest facing two leather chairs for visitors or patients.

I had already hired fifty new staff members and had announced more job openings. Hundreds of job openings for nurses, janitors, secretaries, assistants, doctors, surgeons, financial advisors. The list went on and on.

And I found myself in awe at my own work.

How could anyone possibly think this was a bad idea? It was beautiful! I had just offered hundreds of jobs to unemployed citizens. Even if there weren't many people with degrees, there was a need for people to clean and up hold the buildings facilities. Not only had I given hundreds of people new jobs, but I was providing a way to conserve magic and draw in more interest in science. Here, we could heal people, mortals and non-mortals. We could research new ways to save magic, to use magic, to use science.

"It's perfect." I breathed, running my hand along one of the clean sterile white walls. Niki beamed up at me.

"Very perfect!" He agreed. For once, I wasn't irritated by him. I was relieved that I had someone agreeing with me rather than chiding me about how useless this place was.

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