Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

"Wakey, wakey, Hades."

I think I'd rather deal with a screaming alarm clock than the sound of Julius whispering in my ear, fangs nipping at my earlobe. I grimaced, blinking my eyes open. They felt sore and heavy and it was difficult to keep them open as I peered out the corner of my eye at Julius, who smirked in my face, grabbing me by the shoulders and giving me an unfriendly rub.

"Your mother's on her way to see you and I want you to be all ready for when she comes over." He said. I rolled my eyes at him, then just shut my eyes and dropped my head down again, waiting to pass out. The bits of Alexion's magic were now swimming my system, weakening me faster than regular restraints would have. Julius merely chuckled and untied the rope from around me. He left the muzzle around my mouth, not that I had much to say. Julius hauled me up by the arm and dragged me out of the small closet, the bright lights making me hiss in pain as we entered the hall.

"We're going to freshen you up a bit so you don't get any stupid ideas." Julius assured me. I ignored him, staring at the walls of Lucifer's palace. Once white and prestine with priceless paintings and gold moulding, now drenched in blood, paintings torn off the walls, and even a few holes in the walls. Julius caught my staring and chuckled.

"I figured you'd try something like that, Hades. You're always trying to stay one step ahead of the game, but I'm sorry to inform you that to think like a psycho, you have to be a psycho. Lucky for you, I'm psycho." He explained. I grimaced.

You got that right, bastard.

Julius hauled me into a gigantic bathrom with a tub full of ice cubes. I hissed through the muzzle and dug my heels into the floor to keep from being pulled any further. Julius caught me by the shoulders and threw me at the tub, my head bashing into the side. My vision momentarily went black and my body too busy trembling for me to stop Julius from ripping my clothes off. My vision returned just as Julius hoisted me up in his arms and dropped in the tub.

A shout muffled by the muzzle as I tried to heave myself out and beat him over the head, but he caught my wrists and tore them up over my head, bending them behind me and wrapping a chain around them and connecting it to the tub. I writhed, hissing and arching my back to try and get out of the icy cold water, but to no avail. Julius just smirked and watched me twist and wrench at the chains.

"You know, this is awfully amusing," He began, making me roll my eyes in disgust, "The almighty and powerful Hades brought down by his very own creation, abandoned by his own family. Although, I must say I empathize with your plight, Hades. My family abandoned me when they discovered of my infatuation with Raven, and worse still, Raven turned around and killed me. But you should have seen the fire in his eyes when he ripped me open, bathed in my blood, and those wings..." His voice trailed as he paused to stare into nothingness, as if he was fantasizing about his own death. A frown melted my brow as I stared up at him.


As far as I knew, Raven's angel abilities hadn't been activated. Surely someone would have known.

But wings?

He was a full angel then. His mentioned his mother's name, Bethany, the angel of... what was it? Justice? He said she was a bitch. Angel of bitchiness? Ah, whatever. Didn't matter to me now.

"You have no idea what it's cost me to hunt him down," Julius went on to say, his voice thick with malice as he glared down at me murderously, "Rotting in that cell in Tartarus, the only thing I could think of was getting my hands on him again. They didn't even need to torture me because I was torturing myself with fantasizes of being reunited with him again. He'd gone from a pathetic prisoner of war to... my obsession. Everything reminded me of him. His beautiful hair, his fierce glare. Even after I'd broken him back during the war, he continued to glare at me as if he could think of nothing better than killing me. God, it was the most beautiful thing in the world." I grimaced, turning my head in the opposite direction.

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