Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

For the next week, I went to see Atros at the Rajama morning and night.

I wasn't even sure why either. I arrived and we had sex, then Atros would sit back and talk. It was strange the longer I listened to his deep voice. It was oddly attractive, especially with that lilting accent of his that I still couldn't quote pinpoint, something that rarely happened to me.

I'd learned that, when Gloria was kidnapped, she'd been pregnant with their son, whom Atros had hoped to name Tiberius. He went on for hours about what their son would have looked like, and he basically described Gloria as a male when he did. He would go on about how snarky Gloria was. I kept it to myself, but if I had been married to her... Well, I wouldn't be. She sounded awful, but Atros was obsessed with her, so I let him babble on for hours until it put me to sleep.

Even weirder, he never got angry with me when I slept in his room. He slept with me, then woke up and prepared for his next clients while I dressed and left for home.

I debated telling Persephone, but I figured she wouldn't want to know. Why would she? I didn't want to know who she was sleeping with on the side. So I figured it worked both ways, even though she kept asking what I was up to. I just lied and told her things were stressful, which wasn't entirely untrue.

As Theo and Cerberus had predicted, there was outrage over the hospital being built from half the city while the other half was excited. I'd even already received a hundred resumes from doctors and nurses hoping to work in the new facility as well as a few researchers. These people understood the building of a new hospital while the others merely saw it as a threat to what they thought was a normal life.

Because living in your own shit in a house that wasn't register with the city was normal life.

The people who'd been killed in the destruction of the homes to make room for the hospital, they hadn't registered the homes with the city to avoid paying their taxes and fees. No one could have known they were there, but it didn't matter to them. They saw it as right. They saw me as a monster.

Which I was, but that wasn't the point.

The point is that I was building a hospital, not a tennis court. They should be grateful for the opportunity. I could've just left them to rot in the streets. The hospital was a free clinic. The hospital would be completely funded by myself and all the workers paid by me. I couldn't see how this was a bad thing, but then, where I was concerned, everyone would fight to see the bad.

"You're scowling." Atros's voice drew me from my throat and I tilted my head up to glare at him past my hair. I had been resting between his legs, face resting against his stomach, but somehow, he'd managed to pick up on my feelings. Feelings I hadn't even paid any mind to. I was too busy cursing everything with a heartbeat.

"I was suddenly remember annoying people." I muttered. I had yet to tell Atros who I really was, and I intended to keep it that way. If I told him who I was, I'd be bored again. I enjoyed this mild source of entertainment, and the fact that I could have sex at long last was a bonus.

"To hell with them," He snorted, reaching down to stroke the hair back from my face, making me roll my eyes and shake my hair back, causing a smirk to curve the corner of his lips, "You are defiant in every sense of the word."

"Thanks, but I don't need you to tell me I'm awesome. I already know that." I assured, then rested my head against his stomach again, listening to the insides of him move accordingly. Atros was silent again as he ran his fingers through my hair, and I could see the glow in his eyes as he admired it. Part of me was annoyed that he liked my hair white. What was so wrong with black hair? It wasn't coarse or rough. If anything, my hair was just too silky. Maybe that was what was wrong. There was no point in complaining about it since he'd never know, so I went back to listening to his stomach make deep rumbles. A frown worked itself onto my face.

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