Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

"Leave it to Theo to be the idiot to fall asleep first."

"Fuck you in the ear with a carrot, Cain."

"Hades, I think the rest of his brains leaked out his ears when he was attacked. Does this mean we can kill him?" Cain asked, turning to me. I rolled my eyes and dismissed his offer, though tempting as it was; not tempting enough. I glanced at Theo, who looked incredibly pissed about Cain's jumping all over him, but Cain always jumped all over him, so it came as no surprise. The two together in a room was like mixing gasoline and a match.

However, I knew Theo well enough to know he was just embarrassed by his accidentally falling asleep. Of course, it never would have happened if Sept hadn't of ditched Theo, and I was about ready to give the Egyptian a piece of my mind, but glancing over at him, I could tell by the guilt stricken kicked puppy look that he was already feeling shit without my help. So I just enjoyed that miserable stare at the floor and invisible dark rain cloud pissing all over his head.

"We need to be more careful," Malachi said after a moment, folding his arms over his chest, "We need to have one other person with us at all times."

"Sounds good to me, except Hades and Lucifer are stuck together and last night Hades came home drunk." Ambrosius explained dryly. Eyes locked on me, then Lucifer, who stood on the other side of the room from me. Not his choice, but rather mine. I didn't want to be anywhere near him. Not that I loathed the fucker, but the fact that this morning he'd tried to get close to me while I was sleeping and it freaked me out. Not even Persephone cuddled with me and we shared a bed for centuries.

Worst of all, cuddling was a sign of affection. Affection meant caring, caring meant loving, loving meant Lucifer was going to pretend he gave a shit, then toss it back in my face. Like hell that was going to happen. I had told him last night that it was just a one night stand, he'd agreed, and now he was trying to tail me. It was best to keep some distance between us.

"I can take care of myself." I replied flatly.

"You fell in the hallway on your face," Cerberus scoffed, "That's not taking care of yourself." I looked at him with mock surprise, placing a hand over my chest.

"My god, is that... is that concern in your voice? Get away from me. It could be contagious." I tacked on, folding my arms over my chest and taking a step away from him. Cerberus scowled and Blaine just patted his arm. God, Cerberus was becoming his bitch more and more as time went on. Before I knew it, I'd drop by for a check up on Blaine's health and Cerberus would be sleeping on the floor at the fae's feet and bringing the newspaper in, in his mouth.

How far was my one great powerful beast going to fall?

"Fine," Ambrosius said, voice thick with bitterness, "Then get your brain ripped out. I don't give a shit."

"Yes, you do," Theo spoke up, making his brothers stare at him surprised at Theo's anger, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have brought it up. Don't be an idiot. If you guys are gonna be dicks, then I'll just stop by and check on him every so often."

"You?" Malachi asked for confirmation. Theo's eyes flashed dangerously.

"Yeah, me, you shit. Hard of hearing over there?"

"No, your voice is annoying enough. I'm just appalled that you would even think about being a decent person for once in your unnecessarily long life."

"Hey," I snapped abruptly, making Malachi glare at me, "Just... Oh, forget it. I can't do this parenting thing. Instead, I'm gonna do that thing where I don't give a shit and walk away. Thanks for the help, Theo, surprisingly, but I can handle myself. Go do something that doesn't involve sleeping with the bastard Egyptian who abandoned you last night." Sept winced and dropped his gaze. Theo shifted uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck before I quit the room and went down the hallway toward the kitchen. I debated finding a phonebook to call up that place Lucifer and I had gone too. The food was delicious and I wanted more.

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