Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"I spy with my little eye... something black."

"The wall." Seth snapped impatiently. I shrugged it off and slumped back as Seth covered his face with his hand. He sat against the wall across from me, knees drawn up and his elbow resting on top. It'd been two days since he stopped deciding to kill me. It was stunning to see how quickly Seth had adjusted to my presence with him in the cell. Mictlan was ever calm in one corner, having carved an entire hole in the wall until he'd hit the barrier, and yet he still dug holes all over the cell. Lucifer had resorted to an oath of silence, sitting beside me as he stared at the floor intensely.

He was intent on finding a way out, while the rest of us had given up a while ago. We lost track of the exact number of days we'd spent in the cell. It was well over three weeks now.

"You think they'll ever send something in here for us to eat?" Seth asked after a while, reaching down to clutch at his belly, which had been making obnoxious growling and grunting sounds for the past couple days. Of course, it'd become a symphony after the rest of us began to get hunger pains.

"I don't want to think about food." Mictlan muttered bitterly, glancing at the foul crevice in the room we'd used as a latrine. Nobody looked over at it, just stared at the floor as that one comment managed to crush our want for food.

"This place is a cesspool." Seth seethed at last. I scoffed.

"Of course it is. It was a prison for the Titans. I was told to torture them for eternity. What were you expecting bunnies and flowers?" I asked dryly. Seth narrowed his eyes, unamused before I sat back against the wall and looked over at Lucifer.

"Your turn." I said. Lucifer snapped out of his thoughts, blinking a few times before he frowned at me.


"I spy. Or is it eye spy?" I asked, looking at Seth, who scowled.

"I don't know. I don't particularly care. I curse the bastard who came up with the game. It's irritating and you're driving me nuts. Everything you spy is either shit or wall."

"Fine, I spy an asshole." I mocked. Seth twitched and started to get up, but Mictlan chucked a rock at his ankle so the Egyptian could turn on him with a menacingly glare. Mictlan said nothing, just went back to picking at the dirt of the cell. Seth rolled his eyes and looked away, giving up on coming after me again. He was too weak with hunger anyway.

We all were. Worst of all was that I'd never noticed how cold it was down here before. There was a chill, and occasionally a cold wind would sweep up from the gaping whole at the center of the room outside the cells. There used to be a large pillar there, but the Titans must have destroyed it on their way out, allowing for a cold chill to sweep through the room, which had been a bit humid and hot when we first arrived. Now it was cold and every so often, Seth would shudder at the cold and scrunch himself up into a ball.

I hadn't said anything, but I was beginning to feel ill. My stomach churned with hunger pains and nausea, but there was nothing to vomit, so I saved dry heaves for when the others were asleep. My head felt heavy and hot, a fever ravishing my body. Thankfully, it was too dark in the cell for the others to notice the way my face had reddened from the fever. My night vision was fading each day, so I was left in the dim dreariness of the cell. Everything ached and no matter how much I coiled myself up, I was still wracked with chills.

I couldn't remember the last time I felt this awful.

It'd been far too long.

Looking around the cell, I noticed the others weren't too as well either. Seth was already feeling chills and hunger pains. He mostly slept and bitched, slept and bitched. It was an obnoxious routine. Mictlan only dug holes, slept, murmured lullabies in his strange language, and tried to start decent conversations that no one wanted to parttake in. Lucifer just sat in silence, thinking so hard that I'm surprised his brain didn't explode. But they, like Seth and myself, were growing ill and weak.

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