Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

The meeting room was a large open space just near the river.

The room was huge with columns etched with hieroglyphics running around the length of it. A large long table was set up in the middle with plush chairs set up around it. Thankfully, the table was one of those fancy touch screen types that required no use for one of those huge projection screens. Upon entering, I saw Seth and Mictlantecuhtli already inside. Seth shot me a dirty look the moment I came in, but I merely flashed him a smirk and Mictlan shook his head at us as I approached.

"Who else should we expect to this meeting? I need to know in case someone wants to kill me." I added, looking at Mictlan, because Seth looked like he was preparing a whole list of enemies. Mictlan noted that and nodded, taking a small touch screen phone out of his pocket, making both Seth and I arch a brow.

"You know how to use one of those?" I asked, perplexed. Mictlan was one of the few gods that refused to accept modern technology. Most of his stuff was ancient or anything before the 21st century, which to me was still ancient.

"The fact that you even have one is appalling." Seth commented. Mictlan looked miffed, but said nothing about it as he cleared his throat, scrolling down a list.

"Much like a United Pantheon meeting, we have a god from each realm that has agreed to fight with us. We also have Nemesis, Nyx, Philotes, and Erebus arriving shortly." He informed. I nodded, but Seth made a noise of supreme disgust.

"Nyx? Are you kidding? I'd rather have a hippo on my face than have her here." He declared, making Mictlan look at him oddly. Apparently he knew nothing of Seth's disagreement with the primordial goddess.

"Seth is technically a primordal god," I told Mictlan, who looked at me, "He and Nyx went head-to-head during one of the first battles between our pantheon. Seth just hates her because she turned into a man and screwed him to get information about their battle plans. I thought it was hilarious." Mictlan stared at Seth, who blushed angrily.

"It was a stupid, conniving thing to do and she's a psychotic bitch who can rot in the darkest depths of--"

"Whoa, babe, that's no way to talk about a lady." A voice said, making us turn to see Nyx arriving with her family in tow. Erebus looked less than pleased by Seth's cursing, making Seth clench his teeth. Nyx approached us and gave me a peck on the cheek before raking Seth's body with a hungry stare, tapping her long black fingernail against her chin.

"Mmm, that was a tight body, Seth. Maybe we should do it again sometime." She said. Seth stiffened and subconsciously grabbed his backside, making Nemesis laugh. Seth glared at her and Nemesis just gave him a friendly wink before she came over to stand beside me.

"We're here to join the party. Come sit by me." She said, pulling me over to a sit. I sighed and sat down, reaching up to pinch the bridge of my nose. I still had a headache from the conversation with Lucifer, which still ran rampant in my brain.

It had been completely immature of me to walk out before he had a chance to finish, but I was so tired of hearing people pour excuses in my face. I shouldn't be pissed because Lucifer was cursed, and he couldn't help it. I probably would've done the same thing as him, choosing a god that could live no matter how much blood he took. And judging from the fact that that was a problem, he had trouble stopping once he began to drink. I hadn't noticed it before, which meant he'd done his best to control himself, which was admirable, but not when I was the one being used.

I was a little tired of being someone's convenient fuck. For once, I was so not horny.

"You're hurt." Nemesis said, keeping her voice low. I glanced at her, frowning, resting my cheek in my hand, elbow on the arm of my chair.

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