Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"So, this was supposed to be the quickest way to get me to open up before the Titans attacked? Whose idiotic idea was this?" I asked aloud, tilting my head back against the wall as I sitting against.

"It'd be quicker if you just complied," Raven offered with a shrug, "It's not easy. I'm not pretending it is. I actually don't even think it's a good idea, this whole locking you up and forcing you to talk thing. If they did it to me, there'd be hell to pay." I narrowed my eyes at him, raking my hand through my hair and pushing it off to the side, but it fell over part of my face anyway.

"Then let me out." I told him coldly. Raven shook his head.

"This method is better than the method that was forced upon me." He answered. I said nothing. I'd heard all about the trick Julius sprung on Raven, taking a video of Raven's attack, then broadcasting it to a meeting room that was in the middle of, well, a meeting. It was how his secrets had been revealed, and if I had known where Julius was, I'd have ripped him a new one. But of course, I didn't know where Julius was. The bastard was slimy, and now he was rotting where he belonged-- unless the Titans let him out.

Then whoops, oh shit.

I said nothing more to Raven, because I had nothing to say. I wasn't going to spill out things no one else knew. Well, aside from Nemesis, and a part of her being a goddess of vengeance was being loyal and that meant keeping my secret. She was the only one who knew the gooey details of everything about everyone. Even Persephone didn't know the details about what Zeus had done to me, and sometimes, I wondered if she even believed me when I'd told her about Zeus. She hated Zeus with a equal passion, but she hated with logic and my whining and bitching when we first met wasn't logic to her. Just the words coming out of a whore's mouth.

Not that it was totally my fault she hated me from time to time. I had lied to her about who I was. I'd told her my name was Marcus, because the last person I introduced myself to as Hades had cringed in disgust. And Persephone was so beautiful. I didn't want to see her sneering at me like everyone else. I'd stupidly given her a false name, and when she asked if we could make love, I'd never happier.

And it all came crashing down into pieces when she'd whispered my fake name, and like an idiot, I'd corrected her. And in all honesty, she had every right to be angry with me, every right to scream with rage. But I'd been terrified of being caught by Zeus. I was raw from what he'd done the first time, so desperate to avoid it, I'd dragged Persephone down into the underworld with me and fed her from my pomegranate tree.

Trapping her there had only infuriated her further, and Persephone wasn't a pretty woman when she was angry. She was almost as bad as Hera when she was angry.

"What're you thinking about?" Raven asked, cutting into my thoughts. I curled my lip at him.

"Fucking your corpse." I replied. Raven grimaced.

"Let's talk about something that doesn't make my stomach churn."

"Here's a better idea. Let's not talk at all." I answered bitterly, glancing sideways at the projection screen that revealed Lucifer had fallen asleep on the sofa with Thorn and Jaques keeping watch. My sons had probably all gone off to go drinking and partying now that I wasn't there to bitch at them, not that I did it often. I'd given them plenty of wiggle room all these centuries.

I could've easily locked them up tight like a bunch of other parents. Sheltered them completely and hidden them from the darkness in the world. Instead, I'd allowed them to make their own decisions, grow up at their own pace. And they'd already saved the world twice now, was it? The only shitty decisions they made had to do with their damned lovers.

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