Chapter 38

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**Alex’s POV**

I wake up under Fred’s arm and for a moment I don’t remember how I got here. The sun is casting an orange glow over the hall and I wonder if Sirius Black can see it.

I shiver and snuggle closer to Fred, pulling my sleeping bag up over my shoulders. I lean my face into his neck and close my eyes again, hoping to drift off. Somewhere nearby I can hear someone snoring and from somewhere above my head the tweeting of birds is floating down.

Fred coughs, jolting me awake. I look up to see if he’s woken too, but he’s still sleeping with a slight frown on his face. He coughs again, harder this time. I move back slightly so he won’t hit his head against mine. He keeps coughing and sits up, blinking sleepily.

“You okay?” I ask, sitting up and rubbing his back. He nods, rubbing his eyes.

“I’m freezing,” he whispers, rubbing his arms. I slip out of my sleeping bag and unzip it so it’s like a blanket.

“Lie down,” I tell Fred. He lies back down and I lie next to him, spreading the sleeping bag over us. The floor is icy cold.

“Thanks,” he murmurs, pulling me to his chest. I wriggle so my arms are around him and bury my face in his neck again.

“Careful,” he says, “I have a… uh, spot on my neck…”

“What?” I ask, looking up at him, “like a pimple?”

“No, like…” he blushes slightly and I giggle.

“Like a sweet spot?” I ask. He nods.

“I don’t particularly want to get turned on in the middle of the Great Hall,” he says.

“Where about is it?” I ask. He raises an eyebrow at me.

“Don’t make me find it,” I warn. He sighs and points to a spot slightly left of the centre of the bottom of his neck. I smirk.

“So, if I was to do this…”

I bite it softly and he moves back sharply.

“Oi!” George groans, “shove off!”

“Alex,” Fred says, “don’t!”

Giggling, I do it again.

“OI!” George snarls, “you woke me up!”

“Shut up, George,” Scarlett growls.

“Scarlett!” Carma complains.

“Whoever’s talking, shut it!”

“Be quiet!”

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