02: speechless

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My head was pounding like hell and just the thought of that was enough to make me sigh. I slowly opened my eyes but shut them again in a matter of seconds, fighting off nausea that was coming along with a huge headache. Even though the pain was still there, humming against my head, I tried to find out where I was and what the fuck happened, remember how I could have ended up in the dark and still familiar bedroom where I was.

"Ugh," I mumbled while standing up, my eyes feeling heavy. All I wanted was to sleep again but I knew I couldn't. 

I needed to know how is this place so familiar but strange at the same time.

I got up slowly, trying to keep the balance. My head was spinning, making me regret whatever I did to be like that. I heard a snore coming from the other side of the bed and it made me turn around while I cursed in my mind for the big scare I got.

There was a body lying next to me. It was from a boy, probably my boyfriend, and his chest was calmly up and down. A pillow was on top of his head, blocking a possible glance of his face that I could have.

My breath was heavy and my hands were shaking at the thought of being someone else, other than Scott. 

Deep breaths, it's all right.

I reassured myself that it was my boyfriend next to me. It needed to be. I would never cheat on my boyfriend with someone else even if I was drunk. Why would I ruin a perfect relationship?

I vanished the bad thoughts in my head, almost sure that it was him next to me. I couldn't wake him up because of the fear that I might have done something I would forever regret.

Instead, I decided to figure out what happened.

The bedroom was normal, not too big, and not too small. The walls were plain white and the furniture was simple. Minimalism defined the room. It seemed like a guest bedroom for the lack of personal things like picture frames or books. There was a big bed, where I was lying, facing a fireplace with a mirror next to it, a white wool rug under the bed, and a table beside it with a clock on top.

It was exactly eleven pm.

Early compared to the time some parties used to end.

I could hear the loud song coming from downstairs, reverberating through the walls and lots of people screaming, most probably drunk as well.

The curiosity and the need for finding out what happened got the best of me so I walked slowly to the white door in front of me, carefully trying to keep silent and not fall. The moment I tried to push it open, I realized it was locked.

Fuck, I couldn't get out without help. I put my ear in the door and tried to listen to something, anything, for several minutes but I just ended up hearing nothing relevant at all, just the songs I was so used to over and over again.

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