05: he doesn't care anymore

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The oak trees started to get taller and soon, I spotted the building school. The dark orange one. Students were running and talking in the entrance and in the parking lot.

Trinity High School. It used to be my kingdom, but now it's my ruin. 

Incredible how things change.

As soon as I stopped the car in the only parking space I could find, the nearest one, I was already regretting my decision. Every single person started to stare at me. I stepped out getting my backpack and a girl started to gossip about me, with a boy. I felt so uncomfortable. But the day hasn't even started and I wouldn't let that interrupt it.

I made my way to the front door with no one next to me. I used to enter school with Scott or Carol. But at this moment, I was lonely.

I walked down the hallway using my cell phone to avoid the looks but sometimes I saw people from the corner of my eye, gossiping and laughing.

I arrived at my locker, which was usually full of cute messages from my boyfriend, now empty. There were only some books that I have left there on Friday and some photos attached to the door from last summer. One of Scott and I on the beach. He was carrying me smiling at the picture and I was looking at his face with a huge smile. It used to be one of my favorite photos. There was also one of us with Carol. We were around the fire roasting marshmallows.

We were so young and happy. I thought. I know I shouldn't have but I couldn't think about anything else to describe those moments. They had a special place in my memory that I didn't want to forget.

"Hey, Ali!" Madison, my other friend, said with a smile pushing the locker's door.

I almost toppled my books but I, somehow, kept them on my hands.

"Hey, Mads," I greeted her back but not with the same enthusiasm. She was wearing an orange sweater with denim washed jeans and brown boots that suited her small dark brown eyes. Her chocolate brown hair was up in a bun and she had her typical white backpack.

"I heard what happened... How are you doing?" She asked me while I carried my books, we both starting our morning walk to class as we spoke.

"I don't know what I should do. Should I ask for forgiveness? Or should I just leave it and don't think about it anymore? My thoughts are so messy." My breathing is dysregulated as flashes from Friday night reappear in my mind.

"I think that you should wait for him to talk to you if he does. Besides if something happens, I will stand by you, alright?" 

I nodded, my heart feeling a bit warmer by her surprise, and entered the class with Madison by my side. According to my schedule, now we would have Algebra II, one of the worst classes, just to make my day better.

I was trying to focus on anything else but the what happened at the party, talking with my friend while entering the class but I didn't notice who was inside it.


I held my breath in the same heartbeat, the urge of crying filling up my eyes. Don't cry, Alison. Not here, not right now. I totally forgot we signed up for this class together.

He was sitting at the table with his usual football jacket, a white shirt and his black jeans and same color sneakers. There was a red-headed girl talking to him. She was efforttless pretty. Her green eyes and her black dress suited her a lot. Her name was Ashley Collins. He always preferred the girls that had bright eyes.

 I needed to stop thinking about him or else I would get crazy. I push the urge to let the tears out with all the strength I have, taking a deep breath to calm down my heartbeat.

"I guess he saw me," I whispered to my best friend that was next to me this entire time. My ex-boyfriend murmured something to the girl and the sight of his mouth so close to her ear is enough to make my hands tremble. Ashley immediately looked at me, rolling her eyes, but I couldn't care less about what she thought about me.

"Yes, I think he did. But I don't think he cares about what you do," she snapped, bringing me back to reality. As soon as I heard Madison's words, the urge of crying came back. I wanted to stop feeling that way. He wouldn't care about me. I wasn't his girlfriend anymore.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't think before saying," she apologized right after, realizing her mistake, and probably noticing how hurt I was but I decided that I wouldn't break in that class, not today.

"No problem, really." I formed a fake smile on my lips, trying so hard to make my friend believe that I had everything under control. I wouldn't be mad with my only friend in this whole school just because of a stupid thing. Even if she speaks before thinking.

"Please. Everyone sit down or else I won't hesitate to call the principal," Mrs. Crawford warned, making her way to the board. I didn't want to get detention, so I just walked to the last chair in the class while Mads did the same, sitting right next to me and Scott, who was ignoring me completely, sat in our usual places, in the middle. I didn't blame him, in his situation, I would have done the same.

The class happened with no disturbing and yet, I couldn't pay attention to it. Nothing Mrs. Crawford said made sense in my mind and totally I wasn't in the mood for Algebra. I was just drawing hearts and stars in my notebook the whole class, my mind ending up in remembering all over again what happened Friday. Madison tried to talk to me during the class but I didn't listen so she eventually gave up.

"On Wednesday, we will have a group work so get prepared for it. Have a good day," Our teacher told us immediately before the bell rang.

Everyone left the class, including me, and went to their other subjects.

"Let's do the work group together?" My friend asked while getting her backpack. She walked faster to reach me because I was already in the hall, urgely trying to get out of that suffocating room.

"Oh, sure. Whatever." I replied, my careless tone probably causing my friend to question my decision as she raises her brown eyebrows. I finally realized that I had been rude out of nowhere and I knew the only person responsible for my bitchy act was me.

All I wanted was to vanish.

"Sorry, Mads. I will love to," I smiled and she smiled back, her face looking more reliefed as I faked getting back to normal, no one needed to know how broken I was inside, "What class do you have now?"


Good, I would get some time to be alone. I had chemistry now. 

"So we meet for lunch after our classes?" She suggested, and all I did was look at her and nod. After I made sure I wouldn't stay lonely in the cafeteria, I made my way to my other class.

This day would be longer than I thought.

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{A/N: Hey Lovelies! I hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment. I love your messages, really! Thanks for all the support! The next chapter will be the one with a lot of shit going down. Sorry for not posting this earlier! Hope you enjoyed!

Xoxo, Ally.}

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