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"What? Exchange student?" The common phrase being heard in the entire school campus. It was the first time in the history of Totsuki, that a student from Europe will be studying in the prestigious school in Japan. Other than the transfer student named Yukihira Soma, this has caused quite the uproar. Possibly, even more evident than when Yukihira had first made his speech for being the only transfer student of that generation.

"Exchange student, huh. How exciting!" A certain brown haired student, wearing nothing but a fundoshi, voiced out to his fellow dormmates. All their heads turned to him, giving him their full attention.

"Really? From where?"The timid dark blue haired girl asked with her eyes sparkling with curiosity. This caused the others to become even more interested and their food started to go cold.

"Reuder University in Belgium." The fundoshi wearing boy said in a matter of fact way. "The number one culinary school in Europe." All their eyes widened at his statement, some even dropped their utensils causing it to clash with the plates.

"Reuder University?" The only red haired one in the group repeated, "What's so special about that school, Isshki-senpai?" They all sweat dropped and mentally face palmed at his question. This fiery and dense boy was always clueless. They shouldn't even be surprised anymore.

"Do you live under a rock, Yukihira? I should talk to your father and question him about the way he raised you." The Polar Star's warden sighed in an exasperated manner. "That school provides the titans of the culinary world. Five-star restaurants, hotels, resorts, and etc, literally go at each other's necks just to claim a student." They all listened intently to what she said, "Quite similar to Totsuki actually, however..." There was a dramatic silence, "Out of 200 students in each batch, only 3 graduate."

"What?!" They all gasped at what she said. They all thought that Totsuki was already bad, but this European school topples it over.

"But," Isshiki began. "Even if you do not graduate officially, you will still be sought after by companies." He looked serious, "Of course, your worth depends on how long you have survived the school."

"It must be a really good school then." Soma mused, it was all quiet until he spoke up, "I can't wait to challenge him to a Shokugeki." They all looked at him with disbelief.

"Her." Isshiki corrected, "The exchange student is a girl. She is also the third pedestal of the Omega 7."

"Omega 7?" They all repeated after him once again.

"Omega 7 are the top 7 students who are similar to the Elite 10 that we have here." Isshiki poured himself some tea, "They are usually heirs or heiress to different companies and have the highest rate o f graduating. It is determined by the grades, rating, and performance of each student. Usually, there are two from the fourth year, 2 from the third year, 2 from the second and 1 from the first year."

"But why would they be sending a member of the Omega 7 here?" The game specialist asked.

"Who knows?" Isshiki said seriously, "Our school is probably trying to make better ties."


All students were now gathered together in the assembly area which was rarely used. The last time being the welcoming of the freshmen that year, and of course, Yukihira Soma's extremely bold speech about being number one. Their faces all held anticipation for they all knew what was to happen.

Whispers had died down when a tall and slender girl walked up the stage, at the same time with Headmaster Senzaemon Nakiri. She had long, wavy, layered lilac hair which went pass her shoulders, nearing the small of her back. Her eyes were different from the typical eyes, she had sectoral heterochromia which caused her eyes to be a combination of blue and amber. Her skin was as fair as porcelain which further enhanced her lips which were the shade of cherry blossoms in full bloom. Her structure seemed to be athletic and slender at the same time, her breast weren't as gifted as the other women in the Nakiri family, but that did not decrease her appeal. Her stride was graceful and dominating, not a sound could be heard as her feet touched the wooden stage.

Most guys and girls were staring at her with admiration and awe. As if they were under her spell. Their train of thoughts were disrupted when the headmaster's deep voice resonated through the speakers.

"Good morning, dear students."

"We are here today to welcome our very first exchange student, Riese Hayashi, from Reuder University in Belgium." All eyes were on the girl who had a blank look on her face.

"She isn't just only a first year student, she is also the Third Pedestal of Reuder University's Omega 7." They all gasped and more whispers dispersed through out the crowd of students.

The Headmaster cleared his throat in order to silence the students, "She will be participating in all the classes and activities." He put on a dark expresssion, "Let her serve as your motivation to do better." He looked at the silent girl beside her and she looked back with a knowing look. He handed her the microphone but the bored look on her face had not been wiped off.

"Totsuki, ay?" Her voice was mellow but firm at the same time, it help power. "I don't really have much to say actually." Her Japanese was fluent and flawless, shocking a lot of people who had judged her based on her appearance, "I just hope that this school's competition will not disappoint me like my previous school did." She gave a fake smile and handed the microphone back to the director.

They all stared at her in disbelief as they all knew about the history of the school she came from. To say such words caused them to cower and think negative thoughts. Some of students began to feel intimidated, some excited.


All the students were dismissed and they resumed their usual classes. On this day, the results of the Autumn elections were to be released, and it was also the last day of classes before the competition. They all gathered in front of the bulletin board where the results had been displayed.

"Oi! That exchange student is included."

"That's unfair, we don't even know what she really is capable of. For all we know, she could be a fake."

"Shh! Don't say that out loud, baka!"

The lilac haired beauty clearly was the one causing all the commotion. The Polar Star Dorm members struggled to get a glimpse of the results, and when they say, majority of them got in.

Yukihira Soma began bickering with his rival, the blonde Aldini brother as they did not notice an approaching figure.

"So we'll be in the same group, lovely?"

A/N - Hello everyone! I recently got addicted to this anime. Hahaha, and been reading fanfics nonstop. Ehrm.. Yeah. Anyways, this is my take of an OC living or studying in Totsuki! Please don't forget to vote, oh and...

Disclaimer, I do not own Shokugeki no Souma, I only own my OC!

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