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Special shout out to @rafwacchi for voting and commenting!

Riese's P.O.V

I decided that I would finally call my driver to bring me to one of the nearby towns. I wanted to get to know Japan more. It was similar to Belgium as both countries were quiet. But the cuisine was quite different.

I have been to multiple countries already, and I could say that Japan's cuisine is most similar to Italian cuisine and the opposite of French cuisine.

Pete, my driver, soon arrived in front of my house. He was extremely polite and friendly, and as we were driving to the town, he was quiet. Something that I liked as I was usually lost in thought when I was in a car.

20 minutes after, we arrived in front of one of the department stores and I was at awe at the multiple high end stores present in this town. I was bored so I wanted to buy some clothes and ingredients for what I was going to be cooking later. I told Pete that I would call him and he would fetch me where he dropped me off.

With that, my shopping spree began.

I wasn't usually into buying clothes, but I didn't have enough clothes for Summer so I decided to buy some. I bought some cotton shirts, shorts, loose pants, etc. I even found some interesting books. I went over to the grocery to buy the ingredients for the dessert that I was planning to make. There I bumped into an unexpected person.

"Riese-sama? What are you doing here?" I turned to see a violet haired girl, she looked awfully familiar. Erina-san's aide? What was her name again, ah Hisato Arato.

"Ah, Hisato-san, are you here with Erina-san?" She shook her head no and gave me a gentle smile, she was a good person, she assisted me when I first arrived and made sure that I was comfortable and everything. Erina-san was lucky to have her as her aide.

"I was looking for ingredients for the next dish I plan on making for Erina-san, she's a bit unwell." See? Just a little bit more and they could be a couple because of how sweet Hisato-san is. I dismissed the thought.

"Oh, I hope that she isn't feeling that bad. I'll try to visit her soon." I gave her my regards and we both parted ways, I paid for what I bought and began to make my way towards one of the cafes. I wanted something sweet. I bought an ice blended drink and sat on one of the chairs near the window.

As you could tell, I was really fond of sweets. That's why I specialize in baking and I opened-

"Oh! It's the bella." I knew that voice, it was that cocky blonde from the first class that I was in. I sighed and knew that my peace would be disturbed.

"Takumi Aldini." He sat in front of me, he was wearing a simple navy blue shirt and fitted pants. Most of the girls around me looked at me with envy. If only they knew how annoying he was.

"How do you like the town so far?" He was being suprisingly pleasant. Not very annoying today.

"It's alright." I gave a curt response. "What brings you here?" I asked trying to be civil as I took a sip from my drink.

"I'm just buying some stuff that my parents wanted me to bring. I'm going back to Florence tomorrow." He suddenly piquied my interest.

Takumi Aldini's P.O.V

The beautiful girl infront of me had her lilac tresses in a messy but elegant bun, like she had yesterday. Her cheeks were naturally rosy and her lips matched as well. Although she was wearing simple clothes, her beauty radiated throughout the area.

The Lilac Sage | Shokugeki no SomaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt