Save Yourself

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Riese Hayashi's P.O.V

"Riese, I heard that you lost in something?" My father approached in a seemingly terrifying and slow manner. I was frozen and I couldn't move from my spot. My eyes were wide as they took in every step that he took.

"Never bring shame to my name, Riese."

"The moment that you lose, consider yourself fatherless."

"A Hayashi never has lost in anything."

He was right in front of me, his figure towering over my cowering one.

"F-Father, I-" My words never found their way out as my eyes met his. We had the same eyes. The same eyes that would strike fear into everyone who looks into them. Even myself.

He sighed before taking a lock of my hair in his fingers, "We will discuss things later, My dear Riese. Did you not miss your father?"

"Trash. Make it again."

"This disgusts me. Think about what you did."

"I'll have you locked up in your room if you can't make it better."

"Looks like I'll be needing your uncle to teach you."

Memories of the past began to make their way back to me. It took me so long to lock these up. To forget all about them. Now it's all back. Everything that brought me so much pain and sorrow. He then grabbed my wrist and clamped something on it. It was a red bracelet. One that sunk itself on my skin. I whimpered as I felt tiny needles attaching themselves to me.

"You won't escape again, my child." With those words. Everything went black.


I woke up in a cold and dark room. I was alone again. I struggled to get up and made my way through the darkness.

'Window. Escape through the window.' My inner voice told me as I tried to do what it said. I walked over to the window and muttered a curse as it had been locked up.

I made my way back to the bed and coiled myself by hugging my knees. I began to take in my surroundings. This was my room, but why was everything so empty?

'Eishi...' His name entered my thoughts. His snow white hair and icy white eyes. His gentle smile that would soothe me. His warm touch that always bring me out of the darkness that I was trapped in.

"How could you?" I whispered as tears flowed freely. I shook my head.

"No, it's not his fault. He didn't know." I defended him despite the pain that I was feeling.

I then drifted again to sleep. Hoping that I would never awaken again.


"Wake up." A harsh voice awakened me from my dreamless escape. My eyes slowly opened and the figure of my father appeared in front of me.

"I said, wake up." His hand jerked me upwards. It brought immense pain as he was gripping it tightly. Tears began to prickle my skin. Then a sharp pain had burned my cheek.

"Don't you dare shed a tear. Have you become so weak? I should have never left you with your mother." He yanked me up and I barely could stand. My legs felt like jelly. It was so hard to breathe.

He then looked at me in the eyes, conveying a message that I knew he would be saying, "Your classes have now changed. Today, you will be training under me, tomorrow, you will be meeting with your Uncle and he will be discussing things with you."

"I... I refuse." There was suddenly a jolt of pain that started from my wrist. Writhed in pain as I nearly collapsed on the floor. I looked at my left arm and saw the bracelet that he put was causing this.

"Oh? But you have no choice, child." He smiled at me. It was bitter. It did not hold the love that a father would typically have for his child. It was empty. A smile to be feared. A smile to be hated.

"Get ready for today. I will be waiting for you downstairs." He turned towards the door, his brown hair barely went past his shoulders. Even from behind, his aura of evilness made itself evident. The moment that he locked the door. I collapsed on the floor as a sobbing mess.

'Someone... Please save me.'


I made my way to the headmaster's office. Ignoring the looks that I had been earning from the different students. Dark circles were forming under my eyes, I was paler than usual, my movement was sluggish. Luckily, none of the people who truly know me had seen me.

I knocked on the door thrice. "Come in." His stern voice came through and acted as a signal for me to go inside. I opened the door and saw him sitting on his chair, along with a white haired male which made my heart jump.

"Tsukasa, you are dismissed." With that, he stood up and made his way towards the door. We made eye comtact and he subtly squeezed my hand before leaving.

"Riese. Come have a seat." My uncle. No. The man infront of me called out, I complied and sat down on the chair where Eishi-kun was previously sitting in. He then handed me a piece of paper.

"I want you to be part of Central." Central? I didn't know what that was, but...

"I refuse to take part in anything that deals with you or father." A sharp pain then made itself present in my left arm. I winced and held it. Causing the pain to further intensify.

"Are you sure?" He had a wicked smile, similar to the smile of my father. "This is something, that you cannot refuse." He handed me a pen. I sighed and shakily took it into my hand. I stared at it for awhile.

"You wouldn't want to give Eishi Tsukasa, too much trouble, right?"


Days went by and everything was the same. I was locked in my home and would be forced to train with my father. I knew little about the outside world. All my classes had been confined to the kitchen that was in this small home. My father and my uncle had been the ones teaching me. Forcing the knowledge, that they claimed I would be needing, into my head.

They were successful. Because within those days that I had been with them. That I had been training under them. Those days where no one bothered to save me.

They successfully broke me.

A/N - Hello everyoneeeee... I was supposed to update yesterday but I was sick af! I was bedridden. But luckily, I'm all good now! I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know that it was boring. :(((

So what will happen to Riese now? Will she lose herself? Will someone come to save her? We shall see. 

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