Special Episode: Life at Reuder Part

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A/N - Hey guys, I owe all of you so much. So here's an extra chapter for today. Please enjoy it!

Our lilac-haired protagonist was strolling down the hallways of the famous culinary school. She had recently gotten in, the only student for that year. As it was extremely rare for the school to accept students in her level. Most of them had come from the school. She was to be attending classes for the first time, on her right side, was another girl student who was to assist her for the time being.

"Riese," She began, snapping the girl out of her dazed state. She simply looked and raised her eyebrow at her companion. She was not one to talk, she prefered silence and solitude. She wasn't used to the company of other people. Despite the calm and collected aura that she was giving out, she knew that she would stutter the moment that she tries to say something. "I'll just be dropping you off in your first class. We don't go to the same classes, unfortunately. But I'm sure that someone would be willing to help you out." She nodded allowing the awkward atmosphere to consume them once again. They finally reached the classroom.

"Well, hope to see you around!" The other student was about to turn, when Riese grabbed her shoulder.

"Uhm... Thank you." She mumbled before letting go, the girl blinked a few times before smiling, "No problem! The name's Nana, by the way. Hope to see you again soon, I'll have you try one of my special sandwiches!" She then bounced off, leaving the girl in front of the door. Riese sighed knocked thrice before opening the door. All eyes were now on her as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

The teacher took in her appearance, he was somewhat young. His hair was black, his eyes could be compared to emeralds, he had a pale complexion and was wearing the typical, male teacher's outfit. He could be called handsome.

"Ah! You must be the newbie." He gave a warm smile as he gestured the girl to enter. "I'm Lindow. Your Japanese Cuisine teacher. Riese Hayashi, right?" She could only nod as she made eye contact with the man. He ignored the awkward atmosphere between them before flashing another smile.

"Alrighty! Why don't you sit on the empty chair next to Julius. He's the one with the brown hair." Riese's eyes turned to the only empty chair next to a brown haired student who held a serious expression on his face, perfectly contradicting the cheerful one her teacher held. She proceeded to make her way towards that chair. The class proceeded, the teacher's jokes making the tension in the room disappear putting the girl at ease.


After the first meeting, Riese was being followed around like a lost puppy by a certain red haired male. This put her in an uncomfortable situation due to the stares and whispers. Not knowing that in a couple months she would be getting used to this.

"So, Riese~" Jace began while wrapping an arm over the girl's shoulders. He was being extremely touchy and overly friendly. The girl tried to shrug away the heavy shoulders by failed. She only sighed and endured the heavy weight on her shoulders. "Why don't you cook for Luke and Me?" He gave a cheeky grin, "It will serve as an initiation!"

She only ignored him and continued to walk, hoping for some kind of miracle that would save her from this misery.

As if the heavens had answered her prayers, a phone loudly buzzed causing the male to withdraw his arm and hastily answer it.

"Ah, yes? You need me?" He paused for awhile as his eyebrows furrowed. "I'll be there!" He then ended the call amd turned to Riese.

"Looks like I have to leave you for now! I'll talk to you later, Riese!" With that being said, he sprinted away, leaving the girl alone, until a certain Omega 7 member came out one of the rooms with a phone in his hand.

"I'm sorry about, Jace. He's just excited." Luke flashed a warm smile. "Why don't we get lunch together?"

Riese nodded, and for the first time, she gave a sincere smile. "I would love that." He chuckled and they began to walk towards the cafeteria.

For the first time, she felt at home in the school.

A/N - Sorry that it is short! Watch out for part 2!  Love you guys. I've just been really really really busy lately. Sucks so badly. Graduating from Junior High this year. That is probably why. Lol. Don't forget to vote and comment! 😁

Can I also just say that the Spinner of Tales, aka Louis Turner is pretty cute. He reminds of Eishi cause of his hair color. Lol.

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