Beef Bourguignon

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Riese's P.O.V

After the opening ceremony, which by the way, was extremely boring, the director allowed me to roam around the campus. My first class would begin an hour from now anyways, so might as well get myself to memorize every detail of the school.

The school's campus is extremely large, possibly larger than Reuder University. However, the competition, I could not compare yet. It was the one thing that drives me to continue studying here. Reuder University gave me no thrill at all. I needed something that would motivate me to cook and to further improve myself and my skills.

Speaking of competition, the Autumn Elections had peaked my interest. I was automatically included because it would serve as some kind of test for me.

"Che, as if they needed to test me." I said to no one in particular. I was confident in my cooking, and I was confident that it surpassed everyone here, like it did in Reuder. However, Reuder's headmaster had asked to hold back. Which was boring. My thoughts were cut off when I heard a group of students fussing in front of a bulletin board. I supposed that it contained information regarding the upcoming event, so I decided to take a look as well.

I looked for my name and saw it had been listed in Block B. I checked my competition, memorizing each name, after that. I looked to my side and saw a dark haired girl looking at one of the names in the Block B side, I followed her line of vision.

Tadokoro Megumi

"So we're in the same group, aye?" I voiced out, making dozens of eyes look at me, not that I cared. It was already something that I had gotten used to.

The dark blue haired girl began stuttering, "Me?"

How cute.

I simply nodded, crossing my arms and closed my eyes thinking, 'What was her name again?'

"Tadokoro Megumi?" I recalled and opened my eyes seeing hers widen in shock. It was fun to use this ability to shock people. It made me grin in the inside, her reaction was keeping me entertained.

"That's your name, right?"

"Yes, how did you know?" She asked, I still had my emotionless facade on, but I really wanted to show my mischievous side. However, that could wait.

"Secret. Anyways, I wish all of you good luck." I turned on my heel and began walking away, heading towards the building where my classes will be held. "You all will be needing it." I wasn't going to allow anyone to beat me.


I entered the classroom which was indicated on the schedule that I now memorize. There was no teacher yet but a handful of students were already in the room, and looked at me whispering without shame.

"She's the exchange student." No shit sherlock.

"Damn, she's gorgeous, should I go ask her out?" Ugh.

"I can't wait to see how she'll do." Won't be much long now.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance as I headed towards one of the empty counters, 'These people have nothing better to do.' I thought to myself as I started to tie my hair in a messy yet elegant bun. I heard someone clear their throat in an attempt to catch my attention. I turned to see who it was and it was that Blonde that the Red Head was bickering with earlier. Beside him, was a taller and chubby black haired guy.

"Good day, dear Bella." Ugh. My veins throbbed at this flirt, I however, kept my composure. "My name is Takumi Aldini and this is my brother, Isami." Italian, I guess?

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