Creme Brulee

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Riese Hayashi's P.O.V

Me and Hayama-kun then parted ways when we entered the second part of our challenge. I somehow ended up in place where I least wanted to be in.

I stood in front of the restaurant and side, I tried reasoning with the person who had placed me here, but it was to no avail. I sighed and made my way inside with a heavy heart.

I was immediately met with a man with Salmon colored hair and his sous chef. I was shocked to see Soma-kun there.

"Soma-kun?" I questioned him, "I thought that this was supposed to be an individual task?" I completely ignored the salmon haired man who was glaring daggers at me.

"I thought so too! Bur Shinomiya-senpai had just said that there would be another student coming. I didn't expect it to be you!" He cheerfully said. "Man, now I'm pumped!" His eyes held a flame which I just raised an eyebrow at.

"Hey, brat!" I sighed and turned to look at him straight in the eyes. Amber met mine. "What?" I barked out rudely.

"Tsk. Still have no respect, I could easily fail you right now if you keep up that behavior." I suddenly remembered this and I tried to calm down. He then tossed me a broom, "Get to work." I skillfully caught it and turned again to Soma. I noticed that he gave me a look of concern. I looked away and began sweeping the floor. Better this than to have him pester me, I guess.

We finished setting up for the opening tomorrow, then Shinomiya-san had offered to cook for us. Everyone was excited. Except for me.

"Brat, try this." He shoved a spoon into my mouth and I savoured the flavor.

"It's delicious as usual, Shino-kun!"

I snapped out of my trance when Lucie-san called out to me, "Riese-chan, let's eat."

"I'm not hungry. Thank you though." I politely declined.

"You haven't eaten since you got here, brat. Just because you hate me, it doesn't mean you should starve yourself." Shinomiya-senpai began.

Being stubborn, I crossed my arms and looked away, "I'd rather go hungry."

Abel's temper then began to flair, "Show your respect, brat! You should be honored that-" Suprisingly, Shinomiya-senpai had cut him off.

"Enough, Abel. Let her be." He then looked at me, "You are free to go out if you wish to eat outside." There was slight sorrow in his words, but I chose to ignore that and did as he said. I left the restaurant and started walking around, looking for somewhere to ease my hungry stomach.

I ended up in one of the bakeries that was nearby. I decided to get a Creme Brulee and a Macchiato. I then sat by one of the window seats and dug in. I took my time, I found the cake average. It wasn't so bad for a simple bakery.

'Sugar was torched for an extra 4 seconds, custard lacked 6 seconds, it lacks sugar and eggs were beaten too much.' I commented as I continued to snack on it. I would rather have this than the dish that he cooked. I sighed bitterly.

I finished my coffee and my cake and proceeded to make my way back to the restaurant. When I got there, Shinomiya-senpai and Abel-san were talking. They were discussing about the different recipes and Soma-kun was talking with Lucie-san and Gao-san. Soma noticed me and waved at me.

"Hayashi! You should have tried Shinomiya-senpai's cooking." He praised happily. Perhaps he had forgotten.

I simply smiled and greeted Gao-san and Lucie-san.

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