For Riese

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The people could only stare in awe as Central's trump card had been pulled out. A look of indifference was seen on her face as she was handed the three cards that showed the themes that she will be cooking against each opponent.

Against the Chinese food specialist, she had to come up with something Green Tea related. She tossed away that card then read the next one. She nearly clicked her tongue to show that it wasn't something that she was used to making. Thankfully, her counterpart specialized in desserts. She could utilize that skill of hers.

But she couldn't show weakness.

Not when he was around.

Against the former 3rd seater, she had to prepare a dish that manifested Chili Peppers.

Lastly, against someone who merely mimicked the style of their opponent, she would be dealing with tuna.

She smirked, knowing that she had everything under control. The announcer began the introduction and they were allowed to enter the storage area where the ingredients where kept.

"She'll be going up them alone?" She heard from the audience as she walked ahead of her opponents.

"That's our Riese-sama for you!" Another added, she rolled her eyes. Not that her identity mattered anyways.

She made eye contact with him she took note of the sadness that could be seen in his eyes as she continuously did her best to avoid him.

'This is for Riese.' She could only say, not bothering to hear the words that her counterpart wanted to say. Not bothering to look release her from the shackles that bind her.

She would only get in the way.

The lilac-haired girl kept focus on the sight in front of her, pushing the large metal doors, she was met with the array of ingredients that she could choose from.

She was quite aware of how poorly her 'teammates' performed the previous day. Her father and the headmaster had found it embarrassing and a disappointment.

They had to make sure that they would win. Even if it meant letting their wild wolf out in the field early in the game.

"I don't want to participate."

A loud clang had echoed throughout the small room, where a dark-brown haired man and a lilac-haired girl stood. The girl's unwavering eyes looked up at his. Her arms crossed in defiance.

"So you have been tainted." Came his husky voice as a bored look crossed his face. "We wouldn't want anything happening to that 1st Pedestal friend of yours, right?" Her eyes widened. "I'm sure that Riese would be very disappointed in you, Akane."

A sigh escaped her as she began to fill her basket with the ingredients that she would need. An invisible list being checked off which each item that she took.

As she was going to reach for the green tea leaves, her hand accidentally brushed against a brown-eyed boy who was struggling to get the leaves. She sighed, and handed him his share before walking away.

"Hey, Akane," She didn't bother to look at Kuga who had called out to her. "Good luck." His voice was solemn, it wasn't the usual lively and cheeky voice that he used whenever the two of them bantered.

Not wanting to waste a single minute, she dismissed him and made her way over to the arena.

"Central's representative will be taking the rebels on one at a-"

Before the announcer could continue with what she was saying, Akane tossed a knife into the air, catching their attention, and nimbly caught it with her right hand.

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