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"WHAT'S up guys? Today it is going to be just me. So, as it is my girlfriend and I's one year anniversary of dating today, I thought I'd surprise her with a little gift. I told her about said surprise, so I'm about to pick her up from her apartment and bring her to her little gift which I've been planning for quite a long time now, so I really hope she likes it."

Ethan fixed his designated vlogging camera to the dashboard of his BMW and began his journey to Andrea's apartment complex thirty minutes away.

He and Grayson had indeed began vlogging on their channel, by popular request from their fans, and they were doing incredibly well.

Ethan parked on the side of the street where he told Andrea he'd be and waited, talking to the camera a little to calm his bubbling nerves.

"Hi, baby," she chirped, climbing into the passenger seat and greeting the boy with a kiss. "Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary, my love," he smiled, pulling a bouquet of roses from the back seat.

"E, oh my gosh, thank you," she squealed, taking the flowers with shining eyes and a smile brighter than the sun on that particular day. "I love you."

"Since you love me so much, will you put on this blindfold?" He produced a black band from the pocket of his jeans and dangled it in front of her face.

Hesitantly, but only because she loved him, Andrea took the blindfold and pulled it over her eyes.

"Do we have to go far?" she questioned.

"Not at all," Ethan replied, smirking at the camera. His heart was pounding away at his chest and his hands were growing clammy, but of course he played it off with his confident demeanour.

"You excited?" he asked.

"Should I be?"


"Then I'm excited," she giggled. "Unless you're lying. Babe, I swear to God if you take me to the middle of the desert again."

Ethan chuckled. He was still proud of himself for that one. "Hey, that was a good prank. We found a good stargazing place."

"I still prefer the hills."

Soon Ethan had parked the car. "We're here," he announced, hopping out of the car to take Andrea's hands and help her out too.

"Babe, I need you to hop on my back."

"What? Okay," Andrea said, stretching her arms out to the sides in attempts to find where her boyfriend was. He stood in front of her and allowed her to place her hands on his shoulders and hoist herself up on his toned back. He then began to make his way up a flight of stairs, his camera in one hand and some keys in the other.

"Oh, my God, baby, where the heck are we going?"

"You'll see," Ethan said, his breathing ragged from the amount of stairs he had climbed. "I should have taken the freaking elevator, I'm such an idiot."

Ethan then placed Andrea on the ground and she heard a key twist, and a door open.

"Okay, you ready?" he asked, guiding her through the door slowly.

"No, wait why am I suddenly nervous?" Andrea questioned, panic evident in her voice.

"Don't be nervous, baby. Okay. Do you wanna do a count down?"

"Yeah, from a hundred."

"Don't be silly. Three, two, one. Take it off."

Andrea was standing in a huge, empty apartment. The sun shone through the wall which was entirely glass on the far side of the place, illuminating the entire apartment.

"E, what is this? Whose apartment is this?"

Ethan was smiling like the Cheshire Cat, watching Andrea's wide eyes.

He handed her a key and she slapped a hand over her mouth.

"No, E. No, you didn't. Is this mine?"

"Happy anniversary, baby."

"Shut the fuck up." She was in awe. She couldn't believe her eyes— the place was huge. And the view from the window as she approached it was of practically the entire city from several floors up.

"Ethan!" she squealed, throwing her arms around him and hugging him tighter than ever.

"Do you like it?"

"I fucking love it! How the heck am I gonna afford to pay for it, though?"

"I bought it. It's all taken care of."

"No. Ethan, you did not fucking buy this for me. Are you crazy?"

"Just in love."

"Ethan, what the fuck? I don't even know what to say!" Instead of saying anything, she reached up and pressed her lips to her boyfriend's. Sparks still flew every single time they kissed. It never got old. Their tummies still fluttered every time, and their hearts swelled with love.

"Move in with me," Andrea said after pulling away.


"You heard me. I want you to move in with me. I was too lonely after Maisie moved out with her boyfriend. Hell, even Grayson can move in."

"You really want me to?" Ethan queried, although he was easily going to say yes.

"I've wanted to live with you since... well, as long as I can remember. We can go furniture shopping and decorate the place how we like, maybe get another bunny."

Ethan was grinning harder than ever before, if that was possible. Andrea was the girl of his dreams and the thought of waking up to her every morning and sleeping with her by his side was nothing short of what heaven sounded like.

"Of course I'll move in with you, Andrea. I love you."

"I love you so much," she said, kissing him again and again and again until they both decided it was something the camera didn't need to see.

"You know, I'll never get over how we started because of a nude."

"And look where we are now."

"Just wait until we get married and have kids."

"What if I can't wait?"

"Well, you're gonna have to, Mr. Ethan."

Ethan pouted, but he'd wait for her. He'd wait forever for her, just like she waited for him.


Liked by graysondolan, camdol and 1,347,061 othersethandolan Happy anniversary to the one I love the most, the love of my life and my partner crime

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Liked by graysondolan, camdol and 1,347,061 others
ethandolan Happy anniversary to the one I love the most, the love of my life and my partner crime. Words can't describe how much I care about you and appreciate you. We've gone through so much shit together, but we always came back stronger than ever, which is all that matters. I know you hate how cheesy and cliche I am, and you might hate this post... But I'm convinced secretly, deep down, that you actually love Mr Cliche. You're so beautiful without even trying. I can't believe how lucky I am, I question how I have you every single day. Officially we've only been together a year and even though I've been in love with you for much, much longer, today marks me finally getting the courage and asking you to be mine. Happy year anniversary, baby, I love you so much. Here's to many more years to come.
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andreaelle i love you so fucking much.


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