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VERONICA came to know the new kids as Lucas and Max, also formally known as MADMAX and Billy Hargrove's step sister

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VERONICA came to know the new kids as Lucas and Max, also formally known as MADMAX and Billy Hargrove's step sister. How unfortunate for her. These kids had quite an extensive knowledge on the subject of this other dimension bullshit, and Veronica soon found out that, besides Max, they had all been involved in the search for Will Byers last year. They were lucky to find him, luckier than her younger brother.

While Lucas climbed up the ladder to the roof, the rest of the group stayed huddled in the bus. Veronica sat in one of the beanbags beside Steve, trying to rest her eyes, but to no avail. It was difficult to find sleep during this hour. The wind howled outside. Steve flicked a lighter on and off, and when Veronica eventually placed a cigarette between her lips, he lit it for her. She gave him an awkward look, but thanked him with a soft smile.

"So," Max cleared her throat, tugging the ends of her green sweatshirt over her hands, "you've really fought one of these things before?"

Veronica glanced up as she took a drag from the cigarette. She nudged Steve for the question, and he eventually nodded.

"And you're, like, totally one hundred percent sure it wasn't a bear?"

Dustin, who had been pacing, shook his head. "Shit, don't be an idiot."

"Hey, hey, give her a break, kid." Veronica said with her hand out. "I was skeptical too. Still am."

Max raised a brow. "Have you seen one of them?"

"No," Veronica admitted with a cigarette near her mouth, the nicotine wafting from it. "But I did see a mighty big, never-ending hole with slime around it. Don't know any bear that could possibly do that."

Dustin rolled his eyes, turning to Max. "It wasn't a bear. Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home."

Veronica blinked at Dustin's attitude, and for a split second, his personality almost reminded her of Louie. Max leaned back in her seat when she heard his response, and with a heavy sigh, she got up from her seat. "Jeez, someone's cranky." She began to climb up the ladder. "Past your bedtime?"

Veronica coughed out smoke and rubbed the end of her nose. "Hey," she whispered to Dustin, "what was up with that, kid? You can't just say that to the girl you like."

"What are you talking about? That was good." Steve replied, sarcasm seeping from his tone. "Just show her you don't care."

"I don't," Dustin seethed.

Veronica rolled her eyes, smoke bellowing from her mouth. Steve was staring at Dustin, winking at him with both eyes as he slowly snaked his arm across Veronica's shoulders. "Why are you winking, Steve?" Dustin asked. "Just kiss your blue girlfriend already."

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