Forward: Authors Note

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"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living."

-Marcus Tullius Cicero

Hi everyone, this is my first draft of The Necromanced, so please expect many of the typical issues: Grammar mistakes/typos, plot holes, character inconsistencies/issues, pacing problems etc. I proofread, however, I'm human and I miss things, this is not a finished work of art. 

That being said, if you find something wrong with anything in the list above, or more, please let me know. Drop a comment, PM me. I appreciate it when you guys tell me where I've messed up/what doesn't make sense, because it makes me a better writer. Criticism, as far as I'm conserned, is a good thing! All that I ask is that you be honest, and respectful. I love hearing what you guys think, theories, ideas, suggestions, it's all welcome! 

The Necromanced (Being Edited 7/21/14)Where stories live. Discover now