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The next morning I sat beside Becky at the table while, Hillary fed the bird through her pump.

“You promise you’ll still feed her after we leave?” Becky asked. I frowned because I didn’t want them to leave.

“I promise.” Mrs. Lamonsoff assured her.

“Mommy that’s my milk!” Bean said.

“Bean we have to learn to share, even with birds,” She told him.

“But he’s going to drink you dry!”

I got up and went down to the lake where everyone was skipping rocks. I went in the water beside Greg, He smiled sadly at me and I returned it. Suddenly I was soaked in water. I gasped and turned to look at Greg who was smirking at me. This caused a splash war between Andre, Greg, and I. When the splash war was over I saw Keithie showing Donna how to skip rocks. She tried it and it skipped twice. We all congratulated her along with Mrs. Feder.

“Do you know how to skip rocks Mrs. Feder?” Donna asked her.

“Are you kidding? I am the best.” She said. Mrs. Feder grabbed a rock and threw it, only for the rock to hit Greg in the stomach. I giggled and walked over to him.

“Oh my God! Baby are you ok?” Mrs. Feder asked him.

“Yeah Mom, I’m just glad to see you having some fun.” He told her holding his stomach. She didn’t seemed to convinced, but she left anyway. I splashed Greg when he wasn’t looking and that cause another splash war. We stopped when Becky came running down to the lake.

“Greggie, Keithie, Bree, we’re not leaving, we’re going to a waterpark!” She said jumping up and down. A huge smile spread across my face and Greg and I looked at each other. I jumped on him and he spun me around, as best as he could in the water anyway.

I ran inside and put this on. I rode in the same car as Greg and Andre. Once we got there Andre and Greg got ice cream. I took my shirt off and turned around trying to decide what to so first. When I turned around I saw Greg looking and me with his jaw dropped and a crushed Ice cream cone in his hand. I giggled and walked over to him and closed his mouth. He blushed and looked down, I looked at Andre and saw him looking at Mr. Hillards daughters with the same expression Greg had, even the crush cone. I slapped him on the back of the head and he snapped out of his trance. I rolled my eyes at them and my dad said, “Let’s hit the waterslide!”

We got in line for the water slide that was not moving at all!

“Daddy the line isn’t even moving.” Donna said.

We all agreed by saying ‘I know’.

“I want Mommy’s milk.” Bean said.

“He wants some mommy’s milk give him some mommy’s milk.” Mr. Feder joked. Bean started to chant ‘Mommy’s milk, Mommy’s milk.’
“No damn it! No more Mommy’s milk ok. You want milk you drink regular milk. Hey kid give me that.” Mr. Lamonsoff said taking some kids carton of milk. The kid shouted ‘Hey!’ but Mr. Lamonsoff gave him a dollar. He gave the milk to bean and said, “Here drink it straight out of the carton.”

“I don’t know if Mommy would want me to.” Bean said unsure.

“Just drink it! Just like Daddy does ok.” He grabbed the carton and drank some and handed it back to Bean.”

“Ok.” Bean said and drank some of the milk, “I’m just like daddy!”

We all cheered for him and Mr. Feder said, “Yay no more boobie milk.”

“More for us!” Mr. McKenzie joked.

“Alright we’re doing the back door shuffle don’t get hurt,” Dad said as we snuck through a fence.

“Are we a loud to go through here?” Donna asked.

“Absolutely not but we’re doing it anyway. Your cool dad found this back in the day.” Mr. Lamonsoff told her. I went through the fence behind Greg, and we went up a ladder. Mr. Feder looked out the door and said, “Alright time to go who’s first?” Charlotte stepped forward and done a cross thing over her chest and went down the slide. I went down with Greg and Andre the first time. We continued to do this like ten other times, all those time I went down with Greg. One time he even kissed me under the water!

Andre, Greg, and I are in line for another water slide when a girl stood up from the slide. I groaned and covered Greg’s eyes. I felt him roll his eyes under my hands and he said, “I told you I’m not going to look at any other girl like that but you.”

“Uh huh.” I said and moved forward in the line.
We tricked Andre’s grandma to go under the water plunge by saying we wanted to take a picture of her and Andre. Andre moved her exactly were the water falls down, and Mama got soaked. I pointed at her and laughed along with everyone else. Her face was priceless!
My next trip was to the zip line with Greg and Mr. Feder, Mr. Lamonsoff, and Mr. Hillard, but Greg was doubting his choice.

“I don’t know about this one dad it’s kinda steep.” He said.

“Don’t worry you’ll do fine.” I told him kissing his cheek. He smiled and pecked me on the lips. I looked at Mr. Feder and he was smiling.

“When did this happen?” He asked.

“Yesterday. ” We replied together.

“Whatever let’s go somewhere else then.” We started to walk away, and a guy spoke up, “Good thing the kid chickened out so you dint have to go right Feder?”

“Why don’t you hire someone to do it for you Mr. Richie Rich.” Another man said and they laughed.

“Hey Wiley what’s up man.” Mr. Feder said.

“Step aside chumps let me get this on.” The man’s kid said he walked up to the zip line and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and hid behind Greg, “Hasta la vista chicken shiznit.” He went down the zip line and dropped into the water.

“Alright now I want some of this.” Greg said walking up the zip line. He went down backwards and I yelled, “Let’s go Hollywood!”

“You’re up little girl.” The man said. I scoffed and walked up to the zip line. I went down spinning and I done a backflip into the water. When I surfaced everyone cheered. Wiley came down hanging by his feet, but he couldn’t get one of his feet off and he crashed into the shack.
Later on that day I was helping the girls build a tree fort, while the guys play basketball, and Becky and Bean played with horse shoes. I took a break and watch as Mr. Feder kept making bank shots.

“Your Dad could go fifty for fifty with these.” Mr. Lamonsoff told Greg.

“Really cause on the Wii the bank shot never works.” Greg said.

“Well maybe you should Wiiturn it and get a Wiifund.” Mr. Lamonsoff joked.

 Mr. Feder turned around and made another bank shot backwards.

“Yeah you go Mr. Feder.” I yelled. He made another bank shot and called Greg over. Mr. Feder told his son how to shoot it. Greg shot it and made nothing but net.

“Way to go Hollywood!” I yelled smiling.

“Are you kidding me respect! You see how good you can be when you wear normal people clothes?” Mr. Feder said. Greg called me over and he showed me how to shoot the basketball. I found out I’m actually pretty good at it!
It soon got dark soon and the all of us ‘kids’ went to bed while the adults had their fun time.

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