The Bus Ride

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Bree's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, I turned it off and sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes. My eyes widened and a smile formed on my face when I realized what day it was. I jumped out of bed and took a shower. When I was done, I dried my hair and put this (Click the external link) on. I walked downstairs to see my dad already up. That's weird he usually gets up after I leave.

"Why are you up so early?" I ask him.

"I got a call from an old girlfriend." He told me.


"Apparently you have a brother and his name is Braden." Part of me was shocked and the other part wasn't.

"Uh- um ok well I'm just gonna head to Greg's house before I miss the bus." I told him.I walked out the door and started walking to Greg's house.


I got to their house pretty quick since they only live like ten minutes away. Becky was riding around in circles around Mr. Feder, and Keithie Greg and him were talking.

"Keithie's right I'm to chicken to even tell her." I heard Greg said.

"And you're going to tell her. That's they way I raised you, not to be scared of women."

"Oh Dad did you ask mom if I could play football? Keithie asked.

"No I'm scared she's going to yell at me in that accent no one understands."

"Tell who what now?" Iasked. They all turned around and Gregs eyes went wide and he said, "Nothing!"

I raised my eyebrow at him and walked over to him. He put his arm around me and kissed my temple.

"I still don't know how you ended up with the hottest girl in school." Keithie asked. Wait I'm the hottest girl in school? I always hear guys talking about my best friend Nancy Arbuckle.

Bean rode up on his bike and said "C'mon Becky it's 8 o'clock. school starts at 8:15 that means we only have twenty five minutes." I shared a look with Keithie and Greg. How'd he end up with that?

"Daddy, you promise Mr. Gigglesworth will be better by bed time?" Becky looked up at her father.

"Oh would you stop worrying about it. He'll be fine ok?" He kissed Becky on her cheek, " Have the best last day ok."

They rode of on their bikes and Mr. Feder spoke his mind, "My god look at that, riding their bikes to school. They couldn't do that now with all the nuts out there."

"Yeah cause thank God there aren't any crazy people out here." Keithie said sarcastically.

The bus arrived and our bus driver, Nick opened the door to the bus.

"How ya doing Nick?" Mr. Feder asked.

"My wife's leaving me after three weeks." Nick told him, as Greg, Keithie and I silently laughed.

"Three weeks. That's not bad for you. What happened?"

"She found me eating a banana with my butt."

"Oh and she didn't like that."

"She got really bummed out, but you know I shouldn't have done it at her mothers house."

"Yeah you seem a little extra out of it today. What's going on?"

"Yeah I am medicated. I met a very reliable doctor at a seprisil concert and he floated me a couple of pills to make me feel better Ya'know. But I don't feel better. You feel worse."

He passed out and Greg and Mr. Feder carried him to the very last seat of the bus. Mr. Feder took over and Greg and I got a seat in the middle.

"S what happened to Mr. Gigglesworth this morning?" I asked

"Well Becky left the front door open in case any animals wanted to come inside last night." He said.


"Yeah and a deer got in the house. He peed on my dad, and me when I was in the shower. My dad use Mr. Gigglesworth to get the deer outside and it got him before my dad could move and now he's torn into pieces."

I laughed and nodded in understanding, "So what were you guys talking about this morning about telling someone something?"

"Nothing!" I gave him a look, "Babe I promise it was nothing, just let it go please."

I sighed and looked him in his eyes. We both leaned in and we kissed. I still feel the same sparks everytime we kiss. After three years he still makes me feel all giddy inside. We continued to kiss until Andre got on.

"Why is it that everytime I see you guys. you're making out?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him, "You're just mad cause you don't have a girlfriend."

"Yeah about that. I know you're really good friends with Nancy Arbuckle, and I was wondering if you could hook me up with her?" Andre asked hopefully.

"I don't know Andre." I told him.

"Oh please please please please pleeeeaaassee?" He asked giving me his puppy eyes.

"Ok fine I'll talk to her at school!"

"Yes! You are the greatest friend ever!"

"I try."

I leaned into Greg and laid my head on his chest and the school bully, Duffy started picking on Donna.

"Hey where'd you get those shoes Losers R Us?" He asked her.

"I made them."

"You made them? In a toilet."

"Get lost Duffy." I said.

"Yeah leave her alone." Keithie added. Aww he's taking up for her!

Duffy grabbed Keithie's shirt and said, "What'd you say to me Hollywood?"

"Uh nothing nothing nothing!"

"Attention K-Mart shoppers, let's find a seat please. Yes you in the camouflage and the Mariah Carrey hairdo yeah just pop a squat thank you." Mr. Feder said over the intercom thing.

"You're lucky your dad's here, but he wont be here all day." Duffy said pinching Keithies cheeks.

"Leave me alone." He said swatting Duffys hands away from his face.

"Excuse me bean bag with arms and legs, seriously take a seat or seats before someone gets hurt." Mr. Feder said.

Everyone laughed and Duffy told Keithie he was dead and he stopped laughing.

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