The Party

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Not even five minutes after the fight a bunch of frat people showed up at the top of the hill making weird noises.

"I don't believe it! We hit the moron jackpot!" I'm assuming their leader, let's call him nimrod #1, said, "Everyone who needs a beating conveniently together around on one lawn."

"Excuse me why are you here? What's the matter?" Mrs. Feder said walking fowards with Mrs. McKenzie, and Mrs. Lamonsoff.

"I tell you what is the matter." nimrod # 2 said mocking her accent, and they all laughed, "These old townies trashes our frat house! And nobody treats our headquarters with disrespect." They started shouting again.

"They didn't do it." Braden said stepping foward, "Me do it."

"Don't try and cover for them Z- Dog." Nimrod #3 said.

"Z- Dog?" I asked no one in particular.

"Who's Z- Dog?" Mr. Feder asked.

"We know they're trying to get back at us for making them do the naked plunge in our swimming hole." Nimrod # 1 said.

"Your swimming hole?" Mrs. McKenzie questioned, " I've been swimming at the quarry since I was eight years old."

"Aparently everyone in this crap town has been swimming there since they were eight years old." Nimrod #1 stated, " I guess no one wants to leave this dump because they're to busy suckin!" They all cheered and Nimrod # 1 and 2 done a handshake.

"Hey smart guy!" Dickie Bailey spoke up, "Lenny Feder left this town, moved to Hollywood, and made big bucks. Probably more money than you brainiacs put together ever will! But guess what? He came back here cause this beautiful town is his home, and it always will be his home."

Wow he actually stood up for Mr. Feder. Never thought I'd see that!

"Well that was a moving testment to the community bro! But we didn't come here to hear any lame speeches. We came here to kick some old smelly ass!" Nimrod #2 told us. They all screamed and Nimrod #1 started spanking Nimrod #2. Talk about gay!

"Fellas we may be old." Mr. Feder stated.

"We may be smelly." My dad added.

"We may have a penis!" Mrs. McKenzie said and they all pointed to my Dads girlfriend.

"But the only ones that are gonna get their ass kicked around here are you spoiled, privileged, uppity, preppy D- Bags." Mr. Lamonsoff finished.

"You hear that? Now LET'S GET BUSY." Mr. McKenzie shouted, and we all shouted and charged at each other. Two frat girls came at me and I kicked one in the face. The other came at me when I wasn't looking and I turned around and pinched one of the many pressure points, knocking her out. Some guy grabbed me by my arm, and Greg punched him in the face and said, don't touch my girlfriend!"

A guy walked up to Greg and said, "Boomer what's going on man?"

"This." Greg replied kicking him in his privates.

"You're a traitor Boomer." A drunk girl said walking up to him and kicking him in his privates.

"His name's not Boomer!" I yelled jumping up and kicking her in her face, "It's Greg."

I walked over to Greg and put my forehead on his asking, "Baby are you ok?"

"I'm fine now." He replied kissing me. I pulled away smiling. I looked over to see Becky handing Nimrod # 1 Mr. Gigglesworth. I muttered an 'Oh no' and started walking over to her with Greg by my side. Becky walked away and he put her monkey on his privates and made him do a dance. A deer came out of no were with a bra on its antlers and attacked him chewing on his privates. I would have fell to the ground laughing if Greg didn't catch me. Once he saw Nimrod #1 he started laughing too.

"Goodnight." Becky said deviously walking up the stair.

"Did I ever tell you I love you sister?" I asked still laughing.

"Plenty of times."

All the Frats started screaming and running away when they saw their leading, getting eaten by a deer. Mrs. Feder started walking over to her husband when her assistant pushed her out of the way. She flipped him over and Mrs. Feder kicked her in the face.

"Oops sorry I must have kicked your barrette." Mrs. Feder said.

"Yeah go Mrs. Feder!" I yelled.

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