Chapter 4 [Cousins]

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It's a cold winter morning.

I wake up with messy hair and heavy eye lids.

I had hardly slept last night. This resulted with me getting a headache.

I had this horrible nightmare, to be honest.

I imagined that, I was standing near the edge of a cliff. There was a strange boy who was next to me. He looked like Orian. He was too close to the edge, and he slipped. He dangled onto a random branch that was sticking out of the cliff, and stretched his hand out for my to grasp it. I was his only hope. I did my best to reach out to him, but I wasn't successful. He fell into an endless dark pit. I let the boy down. It was terrible.

I get out of bed and massage my temples. I let out a sigh.

I find my way to the kitchen, and start making myself a cup of coffee.

"I really hope Orian is okay. He left so suddenly yesterday." I sigh aloud.

I think I'll call Zoa and ask for his phone number. I should apologise. I must have said or done something wrong that, made him feel bad.

This thought must have crossed my mind at least a thousand times.

While I wait for coffee's water to heat up, I go and grab my phone. I dial in Zoa's phone number, and wait for her to pick it up.


My cousin Orian moved into town just a few days ago.

He lives in an apartment building just down the block. It's really beautiful. He's planted a lot of flowers on his terrace, and even grows strawberries and herbs there!

I'm really jealous.

When I found out that, Orian had decided to move, I was a bit surprised. He isn't the sort of person who would leave the comfort of his home and settle somewhere else. I guess people do change over time.

When Orian came to town, I invited him over for brunch. I had a really good chat with him. He indeed has changed in many ways.

Also, he looks so different since the last time I saw him!

He's grown taller. His hair isn't in a silly crew cut anymore; in fact it's gotten really unruly!

He doesnt have his braces on either. His teeth are super straight.

There's also a relaxed aura around him.

I'm happy that, he seems happy and content with his life.

Suddenly I hear my phone ring. I reach out to grab it.

I answer the call.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey, Zoa!"

It's Jewel! I can instantly tell because of her happy and cheerful voice.

"Hi Jewel!"

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, what about you?"

"I'm fine too!"

I smile.

"Um...hey Zoa, I have a favour. Can you give me Orian's phone number?"

Oh! I thought she would have already saved it.

"Cool. I'll send it in a minute."

I love helping out my friends, it makes me feel important!

"Oh! Zoa...I'm sorry about your hamster. We should definitely go and have lunch together sometime later! I mean if you want pressure. I hope you're doing alright."

Oh Jewel. You really think alot!

"We can go together for lunch at any time you want but I have to go out for a meeting today." I tell her.

"Thanks Zoa! Okay bye, got to go!"

She has a satisfied sound in her voice.


I end the call and place it back on my side table.

I seriously need to get out of bed now. But I'm soooo cozy in here!

"Just five minutes more..."

I fall asleep.


Orian isn't picking up his phone!

I've already called him 3 times.

I won't call anymore or he will think that I'm being plain annoying.

Am I annoying?

I don't even know why I'm worrying so much for a person I barely know.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing.

I check the caller ID.

It's Orian. About time.

"Hi Orian!"

"Hi Jewel... you called?"

His voice seems sleepy. Did he have a restless night too?

"Orian, I called to tell that I'm sorry about yesterday. If I did something wrong then, I'm sorry."

"Jewel no, It's okay! I'm totally fine! You did nothing wrong."

I'm not convinced. His voice sounds a bit shaky.

"Are you really okay? You left in such a rush! How do I know if your not lying?"

"Jewel, I'm fine! Why don't you come over to my apartment? I promise I'm telling the truth."

I'm free today. I'll go. I'll make it up to him.

"Text me your address and timings. I'll be there."



I need to know what happened yesterday.

I need to know why he keeps on asking if I remember him.

I need answers....

But I wouldn't mind some cup noodles first.


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