Chapter 12 [Gold]

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DAY 12

I pick up my luggage and leave home at five in the morning. My parents didn't even care to say goodbye. I don't even know why I always try so hard to please them now.

Luckily, my journey will only last for two hours. Time goes by really quickly and I reach my town.

Before returning home, I stop at McDonald's to get something to eat since I'm famished. Sadly, the fast food restaurant is closed. I have no other choice but to use up my left over energy and cook for myself.

I finally reach home and the first thing I do is make scrambled eggs.

After finishing breakfast, I sit on my couch and close my eyes.

I didn't sleep at all last night...

"Hey Jewel, wake up!

Who's voice is this?

"Hey Jewel..."

I think I've heard it somewhere before.

"Will you write a book for me?"

Oh! It's Zoa!

I wake up with a jerk and see that the girl is skipping around me.

"Zoa...I'm tired." I groan.

My eyelids are really heavy. I lie down again.


Zoa pulls off me that puppy dog face she makes whenever she wants something.

"Haha. How about no?"

I try to pull my blanket over me but suddenly I realise something.

I'm not in my apartment.
I'm in a field of sunflowers.

The sun's rays are filtering behind a milky white cloud, the sky is golden and the grass is a brilliant green.


"Zoa, where are we?" I curiously ask.

My friend furrows her eyebrows.

"Don't you know?"

She pinches my cheeks and chuckles.

I notice that she is wearing a lovely knee lenght, flowy, yellow frock. Her long hair is made up into a waterfall braid. She's even wearing a daisy chain.

"I don't know..."

I stand up and get a good look of my surroundings. I see that there aren't any signs of civilization except for us.

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