Chapter 6 [Motorbike not car]

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Day 5

The season seems to be changing, this morning isn't as cold as yesterday.

I get out of bed and do my daily morning routine - shower, dress up and then I go to the kitchen to the make breakfast.

I put some bread in my toaster and water in the kettle.

I wait.

I wonder whether Jewel would be awake or not.

I still can't believe her parents put in so much effort to make her forget about her past. Did they not think about the after effects? Crazy. Absolutely crazy.

But there's one thing I've noticed- Jewel's habits haven't changed a bit. She still loves her nutella!

My kettle whistles and my toast pops out. I grab my breakfast and sit in front of the television. I turn it on.
While drinking my tea I put on a news channel. The same old reporter with the same old headlines.

Hold on...

"Girl gets hit by a car. Suffering from only minor injuries. Debate on whether road rules are being taken seriously or not." A middle aged news reporter reports.

That girl looks like...

Something triggers inside of me.

Suddenly I feel a pain in my chest. I start coughing. My cup of tea spills on the wooden floor. My hands are shaking.

I'm having an asthma attack. It sometimes happens when I get stressed out. Nothing to worry about. My parents taught me how to stay clam in situations like this.

I reach for the inhaler which I keep in my pocket and use it.

I close my eyes for a few minutes and concentrate on my breathing.

I feel better.

I bet it's only a coincidence. That possibly can't be Jewel.
I'm going to call her just to make sure.


I have absolutely nothing to make for breakfast. Ugh.

I'm low on cash and on top of that I haven't gotten any calls back from the job interviews I took.

I'm on the last straw.

Well, I better just go and try to get enough produce in my budget range.

I wear my hoody and grab my purse. I lock the door and head on.

After around 15 minutes I reach the groccery shop.

I go inside and buy eggs, bread, jam, milk, instant noodles, some vegetables and a cut of chicken.

I'm almost broke now.

When I leave the shop, I accidentally drop one of the plastic bags which contained my cup noodles.

Just as I reach down to pick it up a random dog comes and swoops up my stuff!

I run after it as fast as I can.

"Damn it you dog!" I shout after it.

It's too fast for me but I can't give up now!

The dog crosses a road and I dumbly run after it.

I don't look both ways while crossing the road and a motorcycle almost runs over me! I groan and recollect myself. I nag at myself.

I'm lucky that the vehicle stopped in time. The only injury I got was a twisted ankle.

The motorcycle's driver comes down from his bike and shoots me a death glare.

"Hey you! What in the name of chocolate nutty bunnies are you doin' here!?"

He doesn't look like he's in a good mood.

"I'm sorry! I was chasing after a dog..."

"I don't want to hear any of that! What if you got ran over by my bike!?Everyone would have blamed me for your stupidity by saying that, I wasn't driving carefully! Do you not have any brains at all?!"

The man's face is red. He's wearing this bikers jacket that doesn't suit him at all. He's also a man of short structure.

"I'm really sorry!"

The man just gets back on his motorbike after I say this and he drives away.

Well, I guess I won't have any noodles to eat.

I finally cross the road and step onto the side walk.

My phone starts to be ring. It's Orian.

"Hey Orian! What's up?


"Woah hold up! Talk slower. I can't understand you."

He seems worried for some reason.

"Jewel, are you okay? Where are you!?"

Strange question.

"Orian I'm fine. Nothing's wrong. Why are you so worried? What happened?"

I start walking towards home.

"Thank God! I saw this woman on T.V who looked like you. She got run over by a car...I got scared. Sorry."

He genuinely seems stressed out.

"Orian dude! That wasn't me! I didn't almost get run over by a car, it was a motorbike. Big difference!"

Oh shoot.

"WHATONTHEACTUALEARTH!!??" The voice has a flabbergasted tone to it. "IHAVENOTWORDS!" It stresses.

He's yelling really hard.

Should not have said that. I should not have said that!

"Orian, Orian, Orian! I only twisted my ankle! Calm down!"

I have reached home. Somehow my ankle's pain has already faded away. I thank my stars.

"GIVE. ME. YOUR. ADDRESS." The voice suddenly cuts in.

We argue and I eventually give in. Orian's going to come in a bit. Why am I so nervous?

I unlock my door and go inside.

I put down the rest of the plastic bags on a table and go to clean the apartment a bit.

I go around and realise something that never occured to me before.

My apartment is a mess!

Orian is coming here any second!

I am so lazy!

Why world!?


I'm so sorry for such a late update!
😢 I was really busy! I promise I'll start updating my stories faster!

I'm so sorry for such a late update! 😢 I was really busy! I promise I'll start updating my stories faster!

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