Chapter 19 [Not without you]

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DAY 51


Finally, no longer can the hospital keep me captive! I am an independent person again! Watch out world, Orian Tune is back!

"Pipe down Orian. You're attracting unwanted attention."

I'm at a lake with Jewel. She told me that we've been here together once.

I've actually been thinking of going to the lake as well. Spring will almost be over and I want to see the flowers in bloom just one last time. Did I mention that there's are millions of wild flowers here?

I wish I had brought my supplies to sketch. I'm itching to draw!

"We are friends right Orian?"

I look over at Jewel. I notice that she's a few inches shorter than me. How have I never noticed that before?

"Of course we are friends."


"Why? Is everything alright? Do you think I'll just leave? You know I can't do that. Plus I think you're a rather nice person."

"I just still feel really guilty. It's mainly my family's fault for your lose of memory. I guess my uncle hit you really hard on your head."

"Yeah, can we forget about that at the moment? I just want to live the moment right now."

Her eyes widen.

"Uh okay?"

I know that all Jewel is doing is apologising but I don't like it when people start pitying themselves or when they look down on themselves. It gets quite irritating.

Maybe I should have been more polite with Jewel? I'll try to make the atmosphere lighter again.

"Hey Jewel, I'm tired let's go sit on a bench."

Jewel nods and I lead the way to an empty bench under a flowering tree.

We go and sit down.

I open up my backpack which I had been carrying with me and take out some sandwiches. My mom packed them for me. I pass one to Jewel.

We start eating quietly with only the sound of chirping birds in the background.

"Well this is akward..."

I look over at Jewel and shrug.

"It's hard to act like friends with someone I just met. Well not technically but you know what I mean."

She looks down and bites her lip.

"I'm only teasing!"

I raise my hands up and stick out my tongue.

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