Chapter 16 [Snowman]

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Finally, I'm back!

I thought I was going to go insane there!

Mr.Williamsons had held me captive for such a long time that, if I had stayed there any longer, I believe I would have seriously forgotten who Jewel was.

The first day of being held captive was the worst.

Mrs.Blossoms asked me a million questions. Ranging from my date of brith to what my profession was to what colour socks I preferred.

Then Mr.Williamson made me watch this extra long documentry about the history of the Williamsons. I mean...I have no words. It was that bad.

I couldn't sleep that night as well.
No, it wasn't due to the'therapy' they were providing me or because I was scared but the reason was that I didn't get any dinner. I got serious cramps that night.

The next day, I demaned to be set free and I threatened to call the police if they did not do so. That was a wrong move. My phone got confiscated. I had absolutely no contact with the outside world.

Everyday I was hypnotised, fed pills, and once in a while even electrocuted.

They had several ways of messing with my brain.

The main objective of their game was to make sure Jewel was permanently erased from my memory. They were afraid that I was a threat.

If I even dared to mutter her name, I got beaten up. The bruise on my left leg was a result of that.

I eventually started playing along. The more I pretended to not know who Jewel was, the lesser the pills I was fed.

After what felt like forever, Mr.Williamsons was absolutely sure that I no longer knew who my friend was.

He set me free and gave me my phone back. Obviously, Jewel's number was no longer there in it.

I was about to leave in a taxi for home but Mrs.Blossoms stopped me and told me to give a letter to the address which was written on the front of it.

It was for Jewel.

At that moment I realised how incredibly thick that lady was. She wanted me to deliver the letter to the same person she didn't want me to be in contact with. She told me to just drop the letter in the receiver's letter box but I simply nodded and sat inside the taxi.

I waved goodbye to her and I think I saw Mrs.Blossoms smile for the first time then.

I reached my place in a few hours. I dressed and went out to go to Jewel's apartment. I even bought a broach for her on my way there. It was in the shape of a yellow rose. It reminded me of her so much that I had to buy it! It was also a way of saying sorry since I couldn't protect either of us from the attack.

I eventually reached her place and she was overjoyed by the fact that I was there. She even pulled me in for a hug. I got this really stupid idea of playing a prank on her then and pretending that I really forgot her. In the end my cover was blown. She beat me at my own game!

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