Chapter 13 [Red bixbite]

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DAY 19

I slowly open and rub my eyes. I don't recognise my surroundings. I'm sitting on a sofa and holding hands with someone who has their head placed on my shoulder. I then realise it's Jewel. We must have been really tired and sleepy yesterday. What other explanation is there?

I'm so embarrassed right now.

I slowly get up and try my best to not to disturb Jewel.

She looks really peaceful in her sleep.

I go to the kitchen and open the fridge, to get myself some milk. I bend down to properly see the contents inside the refrigerator.

"Orian?" I hear a soft and sleepy voice.

I turn around and see Jewel leaning against the door of the kitchen. She yawns and tries to straighten out her messy hair with her hands.

"Good morning, Jewel."

I stand straighter after closing the fridge's door.

"Why are you here?" She raises an eyebrow while asking me her question.

"Um, well, actually you see, like I don't know how, but like..." This is so awkward. "I think I fell asleep on the couch and you didn't bother to wake me up so um yeah...."

I run my fingers through my hair and fidget around.

"Oh." Jewel's blank face observes me for a minute, before she heads to one of the kitchen cabinets and pulls out a box of cornflakes.

I just stand there like a non existent dust particle. I don't know what to do.

"Orian, want some breakfast?" Jewel had found herself a bowl and some milk and she's lazily making herself cornflakes. Personally I'm not a fan of cereal.

"I think, I'll just have a glass of milk."

She pours me a glass of milk and I gulp it down.

"Your shoulder is really comfortable to sleep on." Jewel Laughs a little after making this statement .

"Thanks....I guess?" I say taken aback. I just look down at my feet.

If there was an award for being a total weirdo and ending conversations awkwardly in one shot, I would've won like five already.

"I'm sorry"

I blush really hard.

"For what?" Jewel starts munching on her breakfast after asking me.

"I don't know how to put it into words but..." I get cut off.

"Don't worry, be happy. I've taken no offense of you being human and falling asleep. I actually found this rather amusing."

She says this as if it's nothing. When it comes to situations like this, I'm very old fashioned. It's embarrassing!

We finish breakfast and go to Jewel's bedroom. She shows me some of her works or as she says 'junk'. I rather like her writing style.

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