chapter 30[Attack!]

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DAY 62

It's a hot day but, I feel cold.

I sit on a rug next to Pixie, and hug my knees. I watch the dog who is, oblivious to the current situation.

Last evening, I was called through Orains phone. I thought, it was him but it turned out to be a doctor.

She explained to me how, Orian received a panic attack which, triggered a, serious asthma attack. He passed out and was later taken to a hospital. During his inspection, the doctors found out that, he was also suffering from a heart attack. It was only a coincidence that they, coincided.

Imagine having three attacks at the same time. A triple threat. On top of that, he had just recovered from his amnesia.

I actually, never knew that he had serious asthma. I always thought he was joking.

I close my eyes and hide my face in my knees.

I keep telling myself that, Orian is still alive. I really wish that, the call I received, was just a prank call. I swear, I won't get mad. I'll just cry.

After I had received the calls, I even phoned Orian's parents. His mother went crazy, crying. I did the same.

"Pixie, it's a lie right?" I feel small.

The puppy turns towards me, and leaves the chew toy it was, playing with. The puppy licks my hand, and sits next to me.

"Orian ca-" tears well up in my eyes. "He promised!"

Pixie's ears drop.

"Pixie, Orian said that, he would come back! He promised!" I tremble.

I've lost so many people in my life. My father, mother, uncle, never actually met my grandparents and now, I've lost Orian.

DAY 62

Orian's family and I, fly overseas where, we would hold his funeral. It was pretty short notice. All I've packed are basic necessities, a casual outfit and my funeral clothes.

We reach out destination in 6 hours and set forth to, our hotel. Orian's father is still, in shock. He didn't talk for the, whole journey.

After a short nap, we all report to the hospital where, Orian was reported...yeah. I don't, even want to think about the word. I know that Orian is still alive, he must be!

With aching hearts, we reach the hospital. We already know that, the funeral directors are taking care of Orain. The only reason we're here, is for more information on what, really happened.

We go to the reception, and almsot immediately, 2 docotrs show up.

They must be the ones who, handled Orian.

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