Chapter 22 [Sugar]

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"I've had enough!"

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"I've had enough!"

"Are you for real?"

"Yes, I am."

"Huh, go to Jail then."

"It would be a better home than this."

DAY 52


It's a cool breezy day.

I'm sitting alone at home waiting for Orian. He is at the psychiatrist's.

I have nothing to do since I've been fired from my part time job. The owner thought I wasn't up to it. She caught me reading rather then helping customers. Just my life!

After a while I decide to continue writing the book I had been working one. It's based on the dream I had before. I'm trying to decipher what it meant.

I sit at my desk and turn on my computer and open up my writing program.

I stretch out my fingers and reach for the keyboard.

I begin typing.

Hours pass.

The only breaks I take in between are either food breaks or washroom breaks.

My shoulders get tired because of typing so much and due to my bad posture I have while sitting.

By the time I think that I've typed enough I lay my head down and sigh.

I glance at my wallclock. It's 5 in the evening now. Why hasn't Orian come yet?

I pull out my phone from my pocket and start texting him.


JEWEL'S Online.

JEWEL: Orian, when are you coming home?

ORIAN'S online.

ORIAN: Idk. Maybe around 6?

JEWEL: Still at the physiatrist?

ORIAN: No, at my studio. XD

JEWEL: Ahh....

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