Twenty - Seven

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Have you ever thought you knew everything about someone? You knew their deepest passions and darkest secrets? Then you realize that you don't know shit about them? That's how I feel about Mason.

"This has to end." I groan as Cole turns left. The pounding in my head is nearly unbearable with his pounding footsteps and sharp turns. I honestly think he's trying to make me hurt more.

"Nolan is waiting for us outside." Hannah says. "We just have to get out."

"Shouldn't we be more focused on trying to solve the issue instead of forever living in fear?" I ask. I don't want to have to forever hide and watch my back. I want to be with Nolan and share memories with my best friends. I want to go to bed at night knowing that I'm safe and I'll wake up where I drifted off.

Cole kicks open a door and runs through it. "Won't help," He says with heavy breaths. "Mason and Nolan are mortal enemies and, with you added to it, are deadly. The only way to solve this is to get out of here and let them figure it out."

I nod which immediately makes behind my eyes throb. I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Almost there."

"Wait!" I exclaim. Cole stops and looks around. I can tell that he's observing the dark hallway for possible threats. "What about Annika and Axel?"

"Fuck." Hannah says. "I forgot about them." She runs a hand through her hair and sighs deeply. We both know that leaving without them would be pointless. It would basically just start this entire thing all over again while putting our lives in jeopardy again.

"Cole, do you know where they're being kept?" I ask. He readjusts his grip on me and looks at Hannah. I can tell that he could care less about Annika and Axel but I can also see that he feels something for Hannah. From the way his eyes constantly scan her body to make sure she's okay to the way he talks to her with a soft and gentle voice like a husband to his wife, I can tell that Cole likes her. A lot.

"Probably in the living room since everyone is looking for you two at the moment." Cole says. "It will be heavily guarded though and I'm pretty sure Axel won't be able to get out on his own."

A cry resonates through the dark hallways and startles all of us. Cole grabs Hannah's hand and starts running again.

"Cole!" Hannah yells. "Cole stop!"

Cole ignores her and continues sprinting. He turns sharply left and runs head on into a group of gang members. I fall off his back and hit the floor hard. My back pulses with pain which adds to the pounding in my head. I groan but I struggle to my feet.

Cole fell as well, but quickly stood back up and pulled Hannah with him.

"I didn't take you for a traitor, Cole." One of the seven guys snarls. He has greasy black hair and a long, hooked nose. His face is all hollows, especially under his eyes, which makes him look like a drug addict. Judging by where we are I'd assume that he is one.

Cole glares at him. "I didn't take you for a cheating snake -" Cole pauses and looks the guy up and down with a smirk. "Oh, wait, I fucking did."

The guy grabs Cole's shirt collar and drags him forwards. "I can't wait to see what Dryden and Mason are going to do to you." The boy shifts his attention to me. My breath catches in my throat as his intense black eyes capture mine. "And you, Kaelin Summers, are free to go."

I glance at Hannah in shock. "What do you mean? What about Annika and Axel?"

He looks at Hannah, then back to me. "Axel is currently at the hospital and Annika will be released with you."

The only thing shooting through my head is why. Why? After all this work and all of their efforts, why stop now?

"How do I know you're not lying?" I ask while studying his angular face.

He shrugs. "I guess you don't, but I suggest you get going before Mason changes his mind."

Hannah takes my hand and looks at Cole with watering eyes. If she weren't here, I probably would have just left him. I can't leave him now. I can tell that Hannah has strong feelings for him that she will never get over.

"Give me Cole and I will go." I answer.

He shakes his head. "Can't do that, now, get the fuck out of here before I force you too." I can tell by the way his eyes darken that he is dead serious. A shiver runs down my spine.

"If... If I stay, will you let Cole go?" I whisper. The guy looks at me with a smirk. Why is he-? Did Mason expect me to offer?

"Kaelin no." Hannah turns towards me. "I won't let you."

The guy grabs my arm and pulls me over to the gang members. In return, Cole is set free. I smile sadly as Hannah embraces him. She then turns to me with tears- wait what? Tears?! Hannah never cries! Ever!

Her eyes are like glass. The tears shine, turning her eyes slightly red in the process.

"I will come back for you, I promise." She then allows Cole to help her away from us.

The hope I had for escaping with all my friends dies like a candle being blown out. It hurts, honestly, it hurts. She can say she will come back for me, but I'm sure Mason will not let her get close. The back of my eyes burn in as my heart shatters into a million tiny pieces.

The guy nudges me in the other direction. I walk willingly with him. I made a deal, and I will uphold my end of it.

"Mason knows you too well," the guy says as we turn left. I ignore him completely.

We arrive at two large wooden doors. I'm assuming this is Mason's office. The guy opens the door and walks inside. I follow him with a frown on my face.

The office is beautiful. There is a lovely bookshelf off to one side with all different colored books. The other wall is crystal clear glass that overlooks the front yard. Mason is seared at a large wood desk with neatly stacked folders and paper on it. Two plush red velvet arm chairs are across from the desk.

"You were right, boss," the guy says. "She did just as you said she would."

Mason looks up at me with a smirk. I want to rip that smirk of his pretty face and throw it straight in the trash where it belongs.

"You may go, Bran." Mason gives the guy-Bran- a nod. Bran leaves without a word.

Mason stands up slowly and takes large, predatory steps towards me. I notice a cut on his temple from where Cole hit him with that clay pot. I hope it hurts.

I don't move when Mason reaches out and touches my face.

"I knew you would choose me, my love," He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me snugly to his body. "And now, you will never leave me again."

Well... Shit.



*Hides behind Kaelin and Hannah*

I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I had to literally force this out of myself because I was struggling with severe writers block.

Also, I wanted to officially announce that when this book ends, Hannah will be getting her own spinoff!

Also, would you rather the next chapter be in Nolan's, Mason's, Hannah's or Kaelin's point of view? Let me know! Most votes wins!

Please vote and comment! I love you all so so so much thanks for 6K!!!! Please don't be a silent reader ;) xoxoxoxo

-Court <3

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