Thirty (Nolan)

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Alex Pettyfer as Gage Summers ;)


Blood always looks different when it's dripping from your own skin. When it's plastered across your clothes and skin and has somehow found it's way into your mouth, you finally begin to realize just how fucked you really are.

"You couldn't just mind you own business, could you?" Gage says nonchalantly, like his hands aren't smeared with my blood and his knuckles aren't bruised and cracked. "You has to go putting your fucking nose in places it sure as hell didn't belong."

We're in the basement of Kaelin's house, in a room that's clearly never really been used for anything other than imprisoning people. There is a significant lack of furnishing other than the chair I'm currently tied to. The floor has never been properly finished as it is cement and the walls are a bland off-white.

"I can't believe I trusted you with my sister," He snarls. "My family." The bright lighting casts shadows on his face making him look even more menacing.

My brain is working overtime, trying to figure out how the fuck I am going to get myself out of this. And, more importantly, how I'm going to find my kitten and get her to a safe place.

Gage's fist smashes into my cheek causing pain to erupt all over my face. I take a deep breath to try and compose myself.

"One thing is for sure, though," Gage says while slowly circling me. "She is never ever going to want to see you again. Not after what you did."

What I did? I know deep down she knows I regret locking her up to keep her from being leverage. What else could I have done?

"I...I didn't..." I say in a hoarse voice that sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

"You didn't do anything to her? Are you sure?" He muses. Oh fuck.

He kicks the back of my chair so I start falling forwards. I squeeze my eyes shut and brace myself for impact, only for Gage to catch the back of my chair and pull me back.

"So, you're saying that you didn't call her a weak, wannabe bad girl that had too many problems for you to deal with? You're absolutely sure you didn't leave town because of her?"

What? I would never ever say that. Ever!

Kaelin is everything to me. Everything includes her problems, her fears, her flaws and everything negative about her. But it also includes her smile, her love, her dreams and every other perfect quality of her. She is beautiful and amazing and everything I have ever wanted in a girl. And she's my girl.

"She hates you," He says with clear amusement. Every word that slithers from his mouth is another blow to my heart. "She never ever wants to see you again, and she certainly never plans on forgiving you."

Knowing I have lost her breaks anything left inside of me. The first test stream down my cheek, like a helpless rain drop trying to clean the grease off a mechanic's hands after a hard days work.

"Now," He says like he hasn't just torn me to pieces. "I have a sister who is very injured to get back to."

He leaves the room with a swift turn and a hard slam of the door.

My mind is frantically trying to piece together what he meant by 'very injured' and how much Kaelin needs me. She's a kitten that's been dropped into a pit of ferocious king cobras and anacondas and she can only survive and evade for so long before she gets bit.

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