Thirty - One

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So this is what heartbreak feels like.

It feels like my soul has fallen off the edge of the Earth and my head has wandered into an even darker place. I can't tell if my chest hurts because I miss Nolan, or if it's my broken collarbone.

A part of me has begun to worry about school, and if I will still be accepted into the elite sports academy I have wanted to go to since I was a kid. My grades without doubt have probably slipped beyond repair. At this point, if I'm lucky, I will be able to pass year 11 if I commit to summer school.

I sigh and shift slightly on my bed. Gage has been very strict with me, especially issues concerning leaving the house. I have become totally indifferent to the issues between the gangs. I just do not care anymore. Nolan is gone, my girls are safe and everyone else has let me down.

A knock on the door shakes me from my thoughts.

"Come in." I mutter.

Gage walks in with a bowl and a glass of water. Lately, he has been trying to rebuild my trust in him by taking care of me. It feels good to know that he cares enough to try and fix our relationship.

"Hey," He says lightly. "Have you heard from Hannah or the rest of your team yet?"

"No." I say sadly. I thought at least Alessia would have called me, or even sent a fucking text message. Yet, here I am, my phone quieter than ever.

He sets the food down on my bedside table and envelopes me into a hug.

My phones ringtone fills my ears for the first time in about a week. I perk up immediately and grab my phone.

"Hey Hannah!" I say excitedly. I faintly notice Gage's attention perk as well. Weird.

"You need to get out of that fucking house right now," Hannah hisses from the other end.

I glance over at Gage to make sure he hasn't heard.

"What do you mean-"

Before I can react, Gage has ripped the phone out of my hand. He presses the end call button and sticks the phone in his pocket.

"What the fuck Gage!" I yell. I stand up and attempt to grab my phone back with my arm that isn't in the sling. Gage easily avoids me and grabs my wrist.

He looks at me with fire in his eyes. "I don't want you talking to her, okay?"

"Fuck you if you think I'm not going to talk to my best friend! And you literally just asked if she had called me yet!" I attempt to free my wrist from his iron-like grip, but it's impossible.

"You will do as I say!" He snarls. I finally manage to rip my rip my arm away and take a step back. My eyes are wet from sheer frustration with my brother. What the hell happened to the boy I used to know?

I move to walk passed him, thinking that I'll just go see Hannah myself, but Gage stops me. "You think I'm going to let you leave and talk to Hannah in person?"

"I wasn't going to do th-" I begin to deny but Gage's laugh of mockery cuts me off in my tracks. I feel like a toddler being bullied, and I do not like it one fucking bit.

Without a word, he grabs my good arm and drags me out of my room. I barely have time to wonder where the fuck we're going when he opens the door to his fucking room. Gage is so much smarter than I give him credit for. He knew I was thinking about using my balcony and he knew I could pick the lock on my bedroom door.

I expect him to just leave me in his room, but he drags me to the fucking walk in closet and shoves me in.

"Gage please don't leave me in here," I say, looking at the dark and almost menacing closet behind me.

"Maybe this will make you learn."

A / N

So I'm going to double update because both chapters were quite short and I know I haven't updated in a while so I need to make it worth everyone's while xD

Opinions on Gage? Lolllll I used to like him but fuck that bitch :'D

-Court <3

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